Objects and Interfaces

Chapter 1 described that interfaces are-strongly typed semantic contracts between client and object-and that an object in COM is any structure that exposes its functionality through the interface mechanism. In addition, Chapter 1 noted how interfaces follow a binary standard and how such a standard enables clients and objects to interoperate regardless of the programming languages used to implement them. While the type of an interface is by colloquial convention referred to with a name starting with an "I" for interface, this name is only of significance in source-level programming tools. Each interface itself-the immutable contract, that is-as a functional group is referred to at runtime with a globally-unique interface identifier, an IID, that allows a client to ask an object if it supports the semantics of the interface without unnecessary overhead and without versioning problems. Clients ask questions using a QueryInterface function that all objects support through the base interface, IUnknown.

Furthermore, clients always deal with objects through interface pointers and never directly access the object itself. Therefore an interface is not an object, and an object can, in fact, have more than one interface if it has more than one group of functionality it supports.

Let's now turn to how interfaces manifest themselves and how they work.

Interfaces and C++ Classes

As just reiterated, an interface is not an object, nor is it an object class. Given an interface definition by itself, that is, the type definition for an interface name that begins with "I," you cannot create an object of that type. This is one reason why the prefix "I" is used instead of the common C++ convention of using a "C" to prefix an object class, such as CMyClass. While you can instantiate an object of a C++ class, you cannot instantiate an object of an interface type.

In C++ applications, interfaces are, in fact, defined as abstract base classes. That is, the interface is a C++ class that contains nothing but pure virtual member functions. This means that the interface carries no implementation and only prescribes the function signatures for some other class to implement-C++ compilers will generate compile-time errors for code that attempts to instantiate an abstract base class. C++ applications implement COM objects by inheriting these function signatures from one or more interfaces, overriding each interface function, and providing an implementation of each function. This is how a C++ COM application implements interfaces on an object.

Implementing objects and interfaces in other languages is similar in nature, depending on the language. In C, for example, an interface is a structure containing a pointer to a table of function pointers, one for each method in the interface. It is very straightforward to use or to implement a COM object in C, or indeed in any programming language which supports the notion of function pointers. No special tools or language enhancements are required (though of course such things may be desirable).

The abstract-base class comparison exposes an attribute of the contract concept of interfaces: if you want to implement any single function in an interface, you must provide some implementation for every function in that interface. The implementation might be nothing more than a single return statement when the object has nothing to do in that interface function. In most cases there is some meaningful implementation in each function, but the number of lines of code varies greatly (one line to hundreds, potentially).

A particular object will provide implementations for the functions in every interface that it supports. Objects which have the same set of interfaces and the same implementations for each are often said (loosely) to be instances of the same class because they generally implement those interfaces in a certain way. However, all access to the instances of the class by clients will only be through interfaces; clients know nothing about an object other than it supports certain interfaces. As a result, classes play a much less significant role in COM than they do in other object oriented systems.

COM uses the word interface in a sense different from that typically used in object-oriented programming using C++. In the C++ context, interface describes all the functions that a class supports and that clients of an object can call to interact with it. A COM interface refers to a pre-defined group of related functions that a COM class implements, but does not necessarily represent all the functions that the class supports. This separation of an object's functionality into groups is what enables COM and COM applications to avoid the problems inherent with versioning traditional all-inclusive interfaces.

Interfaces and Inheritance

COM separates class hierarchy (or indeed any other implementation technology) from interface hierarchy and both of those from any implementation hierarchy. Therefore, interface inheritance is only applied to reuse the definition of the contract associated with the base interface. There is no selective inheritance in COM: if one interface inherits from another, it includes all the functions that the other interface defines, for the same reason than an object must implement all interface functions it inherits.

Inheritance is used sparingly in the COM interfaces. Most of the pre-defined interfaces inherit directly from IUnknown (to receive the fundamental functions like QueryInterface), rather than inheriting from another interface to add more functionality. Because COM interfaces are inherited from IUnknown, they tend to be small and distinct from one another. This keeps functionality in separate groups that can be independently updated from the other interfaces, and can be recombined with other interfaces in semantically useful ways.

In addition, interfaces only use single inheritance, never multiple inheritance, to obtain functions from a base interface. Providing otherwise would significantly complicate the interface method call sequence, which is just an indirect function call, and, further, the utility of multiple inheritance is subsumed within the capabilities provided by QueryInterface.

Interface Definitions: IDL

When a designer creates an interface, that designer usually defines it using an Interface Description Language (IDL). From this definition an IDL compiler can generate header files for programming languages such that applications can use that interface, create proxy and stub objects to provide for remote procedure calls, and output necessary to enable RPC calls across a network.

IDL is simply a tool (one of possibly many) for the convenience of the interface designer and is not central to COM's interoperability. It really just saves the designer from manually creating many header files for each programming environment and from creating proxy and stub objects by hand, which would not likely be a fun task.

Chapter 13 describes the Microsoft Interface Description Language in detail. In addition, Chapter 14 covers Type Libraries which are the computer readable form of IDL, used by tools and other components at runtime.

Basic Operations: The IUnknown Interface

All objects in COM, through any interface, allow clients access to two basic operations:

Both of these operations as well as the three functions (and only these three) make up the IUnknown interface from which all other interfaces inherit. That is, all interfaces are polymorphic with IUnknown so they all contain QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release functions.

Navigating Multiple Interfaces: the QueryInterface Function

As described in Chapter 1, QueryInterface is the mechanism by which a client, having obtained one interface pointer on a particular object, can request additional pointers to other interfaces on that same object. An input parameter to QueryInterface is the interface identifier (IID) of the interface being requested. If the object supports this interface, it returns that interface on itself through an accompanying output parameter typed as a generic void; if not, the object returns an error.

In effect, what QueryInterface accomplishes is a switch between contracts on the object. A given interface embodies the interaction that a certain contract requires. Interfaces are groups of functions because contracts in practice invariably require more than one supporting function. QueryInterface separates the request "Do you support a given contract?" from the high-performance use of that contract once negotiations have been successful. Thus, the (minimal) cost of the contract negotiation is amortized over the subsequent use of the contract.

Conversely, QueryInterface provides a robust and reliable way for a component to indicate that in fact does not support a given contract. That is, if using QueryInterface one asks an old object whether it supports a new interface (one, say, that was invented after the old object has been shipped), then the old object will reliably and robustly answer "No;" the technology which supports this is the algorithm by which IIDs are allocated. While this may seem like a small point, it is excruciatingly important to the overall architecture of the system, and this capability to robustly inquire of old things about new functionality is, surprisingly, a feature not present in most other object architectures.

The strengths and benefits of the QueryInterface mechanism need not be reiterated here further, but there is one pressing issue: how does a client obtain its first interface pointer to an object? That question is of central interest to COM applications but has no one answer. There are, in fact, four methods through which a client obtains its first interface pointer to a given object:

Reference Counting: Controlling Object Life-cycle

Just like an application must free memory it allocated once that memory is no longer in use, a client of an object is responsible for freeing the object when that object is no longer needed. In an object-oriented system the client can only do this by giving the object an instruction to free itself.

However, the difficulty lies in having the object know when it is safe to free itself. COM objects, which are dynamically allocated, must allow the client to decide when the object is no longer in use, especially for local or remote objects that may be in use by multiple clients at the same time-the object must wait until all clients are finished with it before freeing itself.

COM specifies a reference counting mechanism to provide this control. Each object maintains a 32-bit reference count that tracks how many clients are connected to it, that is, how many pointers exist to any of its interfaces in any client. The use of a 32-bit counter (more than four billion clients) means that there's virtually no chance of overloading the count.

The two IUnknown functions of AddRef and Release that all objects must implement control the count: AddRef increments the count and Release decrements it. When the reference count is decremented to zero, Release is allowed to free the object because no one else is using it anywhere. Most objects have only one implementation of these functions (along with QueryInterface) that are shared between all interfaces, though this is just a common implementation approach. Architecturally, from a client's perspective, reference counting is strictly and clearly a per-interface notion.

Whenever a client calls a function that returns a new interface pointer to it, such as QueryInterface, the function being called is responsible for incrementing the reference count through the returned pointer. For example, when a client first creates an object it receives back an interface pointer to an object that, from the client's point of view, has a reference count of one. If the client calls QueryInterface once for another interface pointer, the reference count is two. The client must then call Release through both pointers (in any order) to decrement the reference count to zero before the object as a whole can free itself.

In general, every copy of any pointer to any interface requires a reference count on it. Chapter 3, however, identifies some important optimizations that can be made to eliminate extra unnecessary overhead with reference counting and identifies the specific cases in which calling AddRef is absolutely necessary.

How an Interface Works

An instantiation of an interface implementation (because the defined interfaces themselves cannot be instantiated without implementation) is simply pointer to an array of pointers to functions. Any code that has access to that array-a pointer through which it can access the array-can call the functions in that interface. In reality, a pointer to an interface is actually a pointer to a pointer to the table of function pointers. This is an inconvenient way to speak about interfaces, so the term interface pointer is used instead to refer to this multiple indirection. Conceptually, then, an interface pointer can be viewed simply as a pointer to a function table in which you can call those functions by de-referencing them by means of the interface pointer as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: An interface pointer is a pointer to a pointer to an array of pointers to the functions in the interface.

Since these function tables are inconvenient to draw they are represented with the "plug-in jack" or "bubbles and push-pins" diagram first shown in Chapter 1 to mean exactly the same thing:

Objects with multiple interfaces are merely capable of providing more than one function table. Function tables can be created manually in a C application or almost automatically with C++ (and other object oriented languages that support COM). Chapter 3 describes exactly how this is accomplished along with how the implementation of the interface functions know exactly which object is being used at any given time.

With appropriate compiler support (which is inherent in C and C++), a client can call an interface function through the name of the function and not its position in the array. The names of functions and the fact that an interface is a type allows the compiler to check the types of parameters and return values of each interface function call. In contrast, such type-checking is not available even in C or C++ if a client used a position-based calling scheme.

Interfaces Enable Interoperability

COM is designed around the use of interfaces because interfaces enable interoperability. There are three properties of interfaces that provide this: polymorphism, encapsulation, and transparent remoting.


Polymorphism means the ability to assume many forms, and in object-oriented programming it describes the ability to have a single statement invoke different functions at different times. All COM interfaces are polymorphic; when you call a function using an interface pointer, you don't specify which implementation is invoked. A call to pInterface->SomeFunction can cause different code to run depending on what kind of object is the implementor of the interface pointed by pInterface-while the semantics of the function are always the same, the implementation details can vary.

Because the interface standard is a binary standard, clients that know how to use a given interface can interact with any object that supports that interface no matter how the object implements that contract. This allows interoperability as you can write an application that can cooperate with other applications without you knowing who or what they are beforehand.


Other advantages of COM arise from its enforcement of encapsulation. If you have implemented an interface, you can change or update the implementation without affecting any of the clients of your class. Similarly, you are immune to changes that others make in their implementations of their interfaces; if they improve their implementation, you can benefit from it without recompiling your code.

This separation of contract and implementation can also allow you to take advantage of the different implementations underlying an interface, even though the interface remains the same. Different implementations of the same interface are interchangeable, so you can choose from multiple implementations depending on the situation.

Interfaces provides extensibility; a class can support new functionality by implementing additional interfaces without interfering with any of its existing clients. Code using an object's ISomeInterface is unaffected if the class is revised to in addition support IAnotherInterface.

Transparent Remoting

COM interfaces allow one application to interact with others anywhere on the network just as if they were on the same computer. This expands the range of an object's interoperability: your application can use any object that supports a given contract, no matter how the object implements that contract, and no matter what computer the object resides on.

Before COM, class code such as C++ class libraries ran in same process, either linked into the executable or as a dynamic-link library. Now class code can run in a separate process, on the same computer or on a different computer, and your application can use it with no special code. COM can intercept calls to interfaces through the function table and generate remote procedure calls instead.