The IEnumConnectionPoints Interface

A connectable object can be asked to enumerate its supported connection points—in essence, its outgoing interfaces—through IConnectionPointContainer::EnumConnectionPoints. The resulting enumerator returned from this member implements the interface IEnumConnectionPoints through which a client can access all the individual connection point sub-objects supported within the connectable object itself, where each connection point, of course, implements IConnectionPoint.

Therefore IEnumConnectionPoints is a standard enumerator interface typed for IConnectionPoint*.


    , object, pointer_default(unique)
interface IEnumConnectionPoints : IUnknown
    HRESULT Next([in] ULONG cConnections
        , [out, max_is(cConnections)] IConnectionPoint **rgpcn
        , [out] ULONG *pcFetched);

    HRESULT Skip([in] ULONG cConnections);
    HRESULT Reset(void);
    HRESULT Clone([out] IEnumConnectionPoints **ppEnum);