Protocol String Name(s) | Description | Object Exporter End Point13. | Endpoint Mapper End Point |
ncadg_ip_udp, ip | CL over UDP/IP. | TBD | 135 |
ncacn_ip_tcp | CO over TCP/IP. | TBD | 135 |
ncadg_ipx | CL over IPX. | TBD | not yet listed |
ncacn_spx | CO over SPX. | TBD | not yet listed |
ncacn_nb_nb | CO over NetBIOS over NetBEUI. | TBD | not yet listed |
ncacn_nb_tcp | CO over NetBIOS over TCP/IP. | TBD | 135 |
ncacn_np | CO over Named Pipes. | TBD | not yet listed |
ncacn_dnet_nsp | CO over DECNet Network Services Protocol (DECnet Phase IV). | TBD | 69 |
ncacn_osi_dna | CO over Open Systems Interconnection (DECNet Phase V). | TBD | 69 |
ncadg_dds, dds | CL over Domain Datagram Service. | TBD | 12 |
ncalrpc | Local procedure call. | N/A | N/A |
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: objex.idl
// Synopsis: Interface implemented by object exporters.
// This is the interface that needs to be supported by hosts that export
// objects. Only one instance of this interface can be exported by the host.
// An object exporter needs to be able to:
// 1. return string bindings that can be used to talk to objects it
// has exported
// 2. receive pings from object importers to keep the objects alive
interface IObjectExporter
import "obase.idl";
// Method to get the protocol sequences, string bindings and machine id
// for an object server given its OXID.
[idempotent] error_status_t ResolveOxid
[in] handle_t hRpc,
[in] OXID *pOxid,
[in] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs,
[in, ref, size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)]
unsigned short arRequestedProtseqs[],
[out, ref] MID *pmid,
[out, ref] STRINGARRAY **psaOxidBindings,
[out, ref] IPID *pipidRemUnknown
// Simple ping is used to ping a Set. Client machines use this to inform
// the object exporter that it is still using the items inside the set.
// Returns S_TRUE if the SetId is known by the object exporter,
// S_FALSE if not.
[idempotent] error_status_t SimplePing
[in] handle_t hRpc,
[in] SETID *pSetId
// Complex ping is used to create sets of OIDs to ping. The whole set
// can subsequently be pinged using SimplePing, thus reducing network
// traffic.
[idempotent] error_status_t ComplexPing
[in] handle_t hRpc,
[in] SETID *pSetId,
[in] unsigned short SequenceNum,
[in] unsigned short SetPingPeriod,
[in] unsigned short SetNumPingsToTimeout,
[out] unsigned short *pReqSetPingPeriod,
[out] unsigned short *pReqSetNumPingsToTimeout,
[in] unsigned short cAddToSet,
[in] unsigned short cDelFromSet,
[in, unique, size_is(cAddToSet)] GUID AddToSet[], // add these OIDs to the set
[in, unique, size_is(cDelFromSet)] GUID DelFromSet[] // remove these OIDs from the set