How to Read This Document

This specification is written to help a variety of readers understand the design and implementation of the Component Object Model (referred to herein simply as COM) as much as they would like. The presentation of COM gradually progresses from high-level overviews to COM benefits and eventually into the underlying mechanisms and programming interfaces to COM. This section is intended to help the reader determine what parts of this document to read.

This specification is divided into five parts, each of which contains one or more chapters. Part I is an overview and introduction. Chapter 1, the only chapter in Part I, explains at a high level the motivations of COM and the problems it addresses. It describes what COM is and its features, and describes the major benefits and advantages of COM. All readers should be interested in this chapter.

Part II contains the programming interface to COM, the suite of interfaces and APIs by which Component Object Model software is implemented and used. Chapters 2 through 8 are in Part II.

Chapter 2 goes into more detail about COM features and mechanisms without getting into the details of function call specifications and code. The chapter is intended for technical readers who want to know more than simply what COM is and what problems it solves, and therefore delves deeper into how applications use COM and the benefits of such use.

Chapters 3 through 6 contain programming-level information for readers who are interested in actually making use of COM in an application. These chapters explain the fundamentals of objects in COM and the creation of object clients as well as object servers. Chapter 3 details the basic object structures and mechanisms and provides the functional specifications of the core of COM. Chapter 4 covers the COM programming interfaces that all applications making use of COM must follow. Chapter 5 then deals specifically with COM clients; Chapter 6 specifically with COM servers.

Chapter 7 contains more detailed information about how COM clients and servers communicate with objects. This information is generally needed only by sophisticated programmers. Nevertheless, programmers may find this chapter enlightening and can gain a clear understanding of all the underlying mechanisms that make COM truly powerful.

Chapter 8 contains information on how communications between COM clients and severs can be made secure.

Part III (Chapters 9 through 12) provides the functional specifications for the extended features of COM, including storage, naming, and exchange of data. These added features are built on top of the core COM functionality described in the previous chapters.

Part IV specifies standards relating to tools used to assist the authorship of COM software. It includes Chapter 13, which specifies the COM extensions to the standard Interface Definition Language (IDL) of the Open Software Foundation (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). This will be of interest primarily to tools vendors who support tools that work with this language. Chapter 14 covers Type Libraries which are the binary equivalent to IDL.

Finally, Part V specifies information needed by programmers who will be implementing COM on other platforms—that is, the programmer who will be implementing COM on a systems level rather than an application level. Within Part V, Chapter 15 specifies the protocol used by COM when performing distributed computing between machines over a network. This chapter heavily references the OSF DCE RPC specification, noted as [CAE RPC] CAE Specification, X/Open DCE: Remote Procedure Call, X/Open Company Limited, Reading, Berkshire, UK (, 1994. X/Open Document Number C309. ISBN 1-85912-041-5..