Wrapping DCE RPC Calls to Interoperate with ORPC

This is an example of a server side wrapper for the Bar method. It assumes the existence of small helper functions to import and export object references and lookup previously exported object references.

RPC_STATUS Bar(handle_t h, short i, OBJREF * prIB, OBJREF ** pprIW) {
      UUID ipid;
   RPC_STATUS status;
   IFoo * pIF;
   IBar * pIB;
   IWaz * PIW;

   status = RpcBindingInqObject(h, &ipid);
   if (status) return(SOMETHING); 

   status = ORpcLookupIPID(ipid, &pIF);
   if (status) return(SOMETHING); 

   status = ORpcImportObjRef(prIB, &pIB);
   if (status) return(SOMETHING); 

   hR = pIF->Bar(i, pIB, &pIW);         // actual call to the method!

   status = ORpcExportObjRef(pIW, pprIW);
   return(hR ? hR : SOMETHING);

This is an example of the client side wrapper for Bar:

// assume some class CFoo that implements Bar method
class CFoo : IUnknown, IFoo {
   UUID ipid;      // one for each interface?
   handle_t h;

   virtual HRESULT QueryInterface(UUID iid, void **ppvoid);
   virtual HRESULT AddRef();
   virtual HRESULT Release();
   virtual HRESULT Bar(short i, IFoo * pIF, IWaz ** ppIW);
HRESULT CFoo::Bar(short i, IFoo * pIF, IWaz ** ppIW) {
   OBJREF * prIF;
   OBJREF * prIW;
   RPC_STATUS status;

   status = RpcBindingSetObject(this->h, this->ipid);
   if (status) return(SOMETHING);

   status = ORpcExportObjRef(pIF, &prIF);
   if (status) return(SOMETHING);

   hR = Bar(this->h, i, prIF, &prIW);
   status = ORpcImportObjRef(prIW, ppIW);

   return(hR ? hR : SOMETHING);