Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | PosFormat | Format identifier |
| —format = 1 |
Offset | Coverage | Offset to Coverage table |
| —from beginning of ContextPos subtable |
uint16 | PosRuleSetCount | Number of PosRuleSet tables |
Offset | PosRuleSet | Array of offsets to PosRuleSet tables |
[PosRuleSetCount] | —from beginning of ContextPos subtable | |
| —ordered by Coverage Index |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | PosRuleCount | Number of PosRule tables |
Offset | PosRule | Array of offsets to PosRule tables |
| [PosRuleCount] | —from beginning of PosRuleSet |
| —ordered by preference |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | GlyphCount | Number of glyphs in the Input glyph sequence |
uint16 | PosCount | Number of PosLookupRecords |
GlyphID | Input | Array of input GlyphIDs |
| [GlyphCount — 1] | —starting with the second glyph |
struct | PosLookupRecord | Array of positioning lookups |
| [PosCount] | —in design order |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | PosFormat | Format identifier |
| —format = 2 |
Offset | Coverage | Offset to Coverage table |
| —from beginning of ContextPos subtable |
Offset | ClassDef | Offset to ClassDef table |
| —from beginning of ContextPos subtable |
uint16 | PosClassSetCnt | Number of PosClassSet tables |
Offset | PosClassSet | Array of offsets to PosClassSet tables |
| [PosClassSetCnt] | —from beginning of ContextPos subtable |
| —ordered by class |
| —may be NULL |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | PosClassRuleCnt | Number of PosClassRule tables |
Offset | PosClassRule | Array of offsets to PosClassRule tables |
| [PosClassRuleCnt] | —from beginning of PosClassSet |
| —ordered by preference |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | GlyphCount | Number of glyphs to be matched |
uint16 | PosCount | Number of PosLookupRecords |
uint16 | Class | Array of classes |
| [GlyphCount — 1] | —beginning with the second class |
| —to be matched to the input glyph sequence |
struct | PosLookupRecord | Array of positioning lookups |
| [PosCount] | —in design order |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | PosFormat | Format identifier |
| —format = 3 |
uint16 | GlyphCount | Number of glyphs in the input sequence |
uint16 | PosCount | Number of PosLookupRecords |
Offset | Coverage | Array of offsets to Coverage tables |
| [GlyphCount] | —from beginning of ContextPos subtable |
struct | PosLookupRecord | Array of positioning lookups |
| [PosCount] | —in design order |
Type | Name | Description |
uint16 | SequenceIndex | Index to input glyph sequence |
| —first glyph = 0 |
uint16 | LookupListIndex | Lookup to apply to that position |
| —zero-based |