Chapter 7: Application Migration

Summary of Migration Requirements


Millions of users today are running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT Workstation 4. Looking ahead, Windows 2000 Professional will increasingly become the predominant operating system of choice. Many of those Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4 machines will be upgraded to Windows 2000 Professional. The goal of this requirement is that when users upgrade their operating system, previously installed applications will continue to function as before, with all preferences and privileges working after the upgrade.

Customer Benefits


7.1  Application must continue to function after upgrade to Windows 2000 Professional without reinstall


How to Comply with Migration Requirements

7.1  Application must continue to function after upgrade to Windows 2000 Professional without reinstall

To be certified on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT Workstation 4, applications must remain fully functional after an operating system upgrade to Windows 2000 Professional.

In the ideal case, applications will use a single set of binaries and not require different configurations on different operating systems. This is the best way to ensure a smooth upgrade of your application.

In the event that your application utilizes features specific to a particular operating system, Microsoft suggests the following alternatives for you to ensure smooth application migration. While the method you choose is up to you, it is a requirement that the application successfully migrate:

How to Pretest Applications for Migration Requirements

The following procedures outline the minimal process you should undertake during your test. Note that you should repeat the tests for multiple user account scenarios, that is, default, roaming, workgroup, and domain users. The scenarios should also cover combinations of these user accounts.

To test the migration of your application

  1. Install Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT Workstation 4 on a computer.

  2. Install the target application on the computer.

  3. Exercise the functionality of the application so that user-specific settings, .INI files, registry entries, MRU lists, etc are populated as they would be on a normal user's machine.

  4. Start Windows 2000 Setup and select the Upgrade option on the Welcome page.

  5. If you are using a migration DLL, insert the media containing the migration DLL when prompted. See the additional information below about using migration DLLs.

  6. Complete Windows 2000 Setup.

  7. Launch the migrated application on Windows 2000.

  8. Run test suites to determine if the application is fully functional.

  9. Repeat this process, starting out with other operating systems as appropriate.

Using Migration DLLs

Migrations DLLs must be tested for compliance as specified in the Microsoft Platform SDK. In particular, note:

For more information, see the Migration Extension Interface in the Platform SDK.

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