Banyan VINES Clients

Microsoft® SQL Server™ supports Banyan VINES Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP) across the Banyan VINES IP network protocol. Banyan VINES support for clients running Microsoft Windows NT® is available only on the Intel® platform. It is not currently available on the Alpha AXP platform.

Clients running Windows NT require Banyan VINES client software version 5.56(2) or later. For information about the latest supported client software for each client platform, contact your Banyan support provider.

A StreetTalk language PC-based service name has the form: servicename@group@org where servicename is the StreetTalk PC-based service name used by the server.

Note The service name used by a server must first be created using the MSERVICE program included with Banyan VINES software.

If a client application gives a partial StreetTalk name (a name that does not include the group and organization) as the server name, the VINES SPP Net-Library uses standard VINES services to complete the rest of the StreetTalk name with your login defaults. If no PC-based service or nickname matching the server name is found within the user’s own group and organization, the VINES SPP Net-Library looks for a special group named MSSQL within your organization. This allows network administrators to define a group of SQL Servers that are accessible with one-part names from all groups in the same organization.

You can override the default name MSSQL by setting a group@org variable on each client to newgroup@org. Both the group and organization are required.

The VINES SPP Net-Library files do not support the use of StreetTalk names that contain embedded spaces, and they use one VINES IP socket per server and one SPP connection per database connection.


For a client running Windows NT, add a DBMSVINE key to the Registry. Add the following key:

            \ MSSQLServer

with a REG_SZ value group@org set to newgroup@org.

This example changes the default collection of servers to newgroup@org. If any client application attempts to connect to a server named GIZA, the VINES SPP Net-Library first looks for a PC-based service or nickname in your login group, and then looks for one named GIZA@newgroup@org.

To configure a client to use the Banyan VINES network library


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