How to upgrade SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 7.0 on a cluster (Windows NT)

MS DTC installs itself on the first viable group that contains a shared disk resource, IP address, and network name. If there is a need to revert back to Microsoft® SQL Server 6.5™, ensure that any disk resource containing SQL Server 6.5 is not a part of a group you have configured for use with MS DTC prior to upgrading. Ensuring that SQL Server is not part of a group allows you to recluster if you need to revert back to SQL Server 6.5 on one or both nodes.

To upgrade SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 7.0 on a cluster

  1. Uncluster SQL Server 6.5 on both nodes.
  2. Configure a Cluster Group for use with MS DTC.
  3. Install SQL Server 7.0 on the primary node in the clustered configuration first. Ensure that this installation completes before beginning the installation of SQL Server 7.0 on a secondary node.
  4. Cluster SQL Server 7.0 on one or both nodes.

Note You will be able to use the version switch to revert either or both nodes back to SQL Server 6.5. Reverting back to SQL Server 6.5 requires that you first uncluster SQL Server 7.0, revert back to SQL Server 6.5, and then recluster. If you have only one disk resource, review Configuring MS DTC before using it with SQL Server 7.0 in a Clustered Configuration.


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