language neutral full-text Option

The language neutral full-text option is used to force Microsoft SQL Server full-text search support to use the neutral language word breaker to process full-text indexing and queries.

Normally, the word breaker chosen is based on the language denoted by the Unicode collation locale identifier selected during SQL Server Setup. If General Unicode collation was selected, the default language word breaker used is U.S. English. However, the general Unicode collation covers languages for which specific word breakers do not exist, such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian. When languages such as these are used, the U.S. English word breaker is not appropriate to use, because characters outside of the U.S. English character set are ignored. For those situations, language neutral full-text should be turned on.

When the language neutral full-text option is set to 0 (the default), the Full-Text Search service uses the Unicode collation locale identifier to determine the word breaker to use. When the language neutral full-text option is set to 1, the Full-Text Search service ignores the Unicode collation identifier value and always uses the language neutral word breaker.

Neutral language word-breaking operates on the premise that words are delimited by white spaces in a character stream. Set the language neutral full-text option to 1 for any of the following locales within the general Unicode collation:

Afrikaans Faeroese Malay
Albanian Farsi Portugese
Arabic Georgian Russian
Basque Greek Serbian
Bulgarian Hebrew Swahili
Byelorussian Hindi Urdu
Catalan Indonesian  

Note The language neutral full-text option appears as “language neutral full-text indexing” in the comment field of the sysconfigures system table.

language neutral full-text is an advanced option. If you are using the sp_configure system stored procedure to change the setting, you can change language neutral full-text only when show advanced options is set to 1. The setting takes effect after the full-text catalogs on the server are repopulated; server stop and restart are not required.

To set the language neutral full-text option


See Also
RECONFIGURE sp_configure
Setting Configuration Options  


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