Connecting to SQL Server Over the Internet

You can connect to Microsoft® SQL Server™ over the Internet using SQL Server Query Analyzer or a client application based on ODBC or DB-Library. By using the Internet, you can make data available to customers worldwide.

To share data over the Internet, the client and server must be connected to the Internet. In addition, you must use the TCP/IP or Multiprotocol Net-Libraries. If you use the Multiprotocol Net-Library, ensure that TCP/IP support is enabled. If the server is registered with Domain Name System (DNS), you can connect using its registered (friendly) name.

Though this connection is less secure than Microsoft Proxy Server, using a firewall or an encrypted connection will help keep sensitive data secure.

Using a Firewall System with SQL Server

If you want Internet users to connect to SQL Server using TCP/IP and your organization is using a firewall system to isolate the network containing the SQL Server from the rest of the Internet, ensure that SQL Server uses a specific port number for its incoming connections. The firewall system then forwards connections from the port number to SQL Server.

Establishing an Encrypted Connection

If you want users to be able to establish an encrypted connection with SQL Server, you can do so by enabling encryption for the Multiprotocol Net-Library.

To configure SQL Server to listen on a specific port

To enable encryption after SQL Server has been installed


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