Stopping SQL Server

You can stop Microsoft® SQL Server™ locally from the server or remotely from a client or another server.

Method Description
SQL Server Enterprise Manager Stops a local or remote SQL Server or a SQLServerAgent service.
SQL Server Service Manager Stops a local or remote SQL Server or a SQLServerAgent service from a single window or from the Microsoft Windows® taskbar.
SHUTDOWN statement Stops SQL Server when executed within osql or another query tool. Using the WITH NOWAIT option stops SQL Server immediately.
net stop mssqlserver Stops SQL Server either remotely or locally if you are running Windows NT.
Control Panel Stops SQL Server using the Services application in Control Panel.
CTRL+C Stops SQL Server if it was started as a program from the command prompt.

When you stop SQL Server, the server performs these services before it shuts down:

Note To bring the system to an immediate halt, you can issue the SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT statement from the osql utility.

To stop SQL Server



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