Creating and Storing Alternate Startup Options

When you install Microsoft® SQL Server™, SQL Server Setup writes a set of default startup options for SQL Server in the Microsoft Windows NT® Registry under the key:


You can create and store alternate sets of startup options in the Registry. For example, you can start SQL Server in single-user mode. Each startup option is stored as a separate parameter in the Parameters key of the MSSQLServer key, starting with SQLArg0, then SQLArg1, and so on. The order of the parameters is not important.

Caution Editing the Registry is not recommended because inappropriate or incorrect changes can cause serious configuration problems for your system. Only experienced users should use the Registry Editor program to edit the Registry database. For more information, see your Windows NT or Microsoft Windows® 95 documentation.

To copy the MSSQLServer Registry server key to a new key

To create alternate sets of startup options in the Registry


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