Basic Statistics for Oracle and SQL Server

This table compares basic statistics for Oracle and SQL Server.

Category Oracle SQL Server
Number of columns 1,000 1,024
Row size Unlimited (only one long or long raw allowed per row) 8,060 bytes (this does not include text or image columns)
Maximum number of rows Unlimited Unlimited
Blob type storage Any number of LOB datatypes per row, only locator is stored with the row

One long or long raw per table, must be at end of row, data stored on same block(s) with row

Any number of image or text columns per row, only 16-byte pointer stored with row, data stored on other data pages
Clustered table indexes 0 1 per table
Nonclustered table indexes Unlimited 249 per table
Maximum number of indexed columns in a single index 32 16
Table naming convention [schema.]table_name [[[server.][database].][owner].]table_name
View naming convention [schema.]view_name [[[server.][database].][owner].]view_name
Identifier length 1 through 30 characters in length 1 through 128 characters in length
Allowable identifier characters Identifier names must begin with an alphabetical character and contain alphanumeric characters or the characters _, $, and # Identifier names must begin with a letter as defined by the Unicode standard or a character _ (underscore), @ (at sign), or # (number sign), and contain letters as defined by the Unicode standard, decimal numbers from either Basic Latin or other national scripts, or the characters _, @, $ (dollar sign), and #
Unique identifiers Tablespace names must be unique Database names must be unique within a server
  Index names must be unique within a user schema Index names must be unique within a database

See Also
Maximum Capacity Specifications Using Identifiers



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