Installation Type

If you are installing the Enterprise, Standard, or Desktop edition of Microsoft® SQL Server™, SQL Server Setup offers three installation types:

If you run SQL Server Setup for an edition of SQL Server that is not supported on your operating system, (for example, installing SQL Server Standard Edition on Microsoft Windows® 95/98,) the Setup program does not offer the choice of installation types; instead, it proceeds directly to the SQL Server Components dialog box.

A typical installation and a custom installation use the same default options; however in a custom installation you can change the options. Here are the default values for the installation options.

Installation option Typical/Custom Minimum
Install database server Yes Yes
Install upgrade tools Yes No
Install replication support Yes Yes
Install full-text search No No
Install client management tools All None
Install client connectivity Yes Yes
Install online documentation Yes No
Install development tools None None
Install code samples None None
Set character set 1252 - ISO Character Set 1252 - ISO Character Set
Set sort order Dictionary order, case-insensitive Dictionary order, case-insensitive
Set Unicode collation General, case-insensitive General, case-insensitive
Configure network protocols
(Microsoft Windows NT®)
Named Pipes, TCP/IP Sockets, and Multiprotocol Named Pipes, TCP/IP Sockets, and Multiprotocol
Configure network protocols
(Windows 95/98)
TCP/IP Sockets and Multiprotocol TCP/IP Sockets, and Multiprotocol

When you install SQL Server on Windows NT, these options are offered for all installation types:

You can back up and change your selections at any time before SQL Server Setup begins copying files.

Note When you click Back, the window you return to reverts to the default options. The options you specified earlier are not retained.


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