Errors 8000 - 8999

Error Severity Description
8101 16 An explicit value for the identity column in table '%.*ls' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
8102 16 Cannot update identity column '%.*ls'.
8103 16 Table '%.*ls' does not exist or cannot be opened for SET operation.
8104 16 The current user is not the database or object owner of table '%.*ls'. Cannot perform SET operation.
8105 16 '%.*ls' is not a user table. Cannot perform SET operation.
8106 16 Table '%.*ls' does not have the identity property. Cannot perform SET operation.
8107 16 IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table '%.*ls.%.*ls.%.*ls'. Cannot perform SET operation for table '%.*ls'.
8108 16 Cannot add identity column, using the SELECT INTO statement, to table '%.*ls', which already has column '%.*ls' that inherits the identity property.
8109 16 Attempting to add multiple identity columns to table '%.*ls' using the SELECT INTO statement.
8110 16 Cannot add multiple PRIMARY KEY constraints to table '%.*ls'.
8111 16 Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table '%.*ls'.
8112 16 Cannot add more than one clustered index for constraints on table '%.*ls'.
8114 16 Error converting data type %ls to %ls.
8115 16 Arithmetic overflow error converting %ls to data type %ls.
8116 16 Argument data type %ls is invalid for argument %d of %ls function.
8117 16 Operand data type %ls is invalid for %ls operator.
8118 16 Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
8119 16 Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
8120 16 Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8121 16 Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8122 16 Only the first query in a UNION statement can have a SELECT with an assignment.
8123 16 A correlated expression is invalid because it is not in a GROUP BY clause.
8124 16 Multiple columns are specified in an aggregated expression containing an outer reference. If an expression being aggregated contains an outer reference, then that outer reference must be the only column referenced in the expression.
8125 16 An aggregated expression containing an outer reference must be contained in either the select list, or a HAVING clause subquery in the query whose FROM clause contains the table with the column being aggregated.
8126 16 Column name '%.*ls.%.*ls' is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
8127 16 Column name '%.*ls.%.*ls' is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8128 10 Using '%s' version '%s' to execute extended stored procedure '%s'.
8129 16 The new disk size must be greater than %d. Consider using DBCC SHRINKDB.
8130 16 The device is not a database device. Only database devices can be expanded.
8131 10 Extended stored procedure DLL '%s' does not export __GetXpVersion(). Refer to the topic "Backward Compatibility Details (Level 1) - Open Data Services" in the documentation for more information.
8132 10 Extended stored procedure DLL '%s' reports its version is %d.%d. Server expects version %d.%d.
8133 16 None of the result expressions in a CASE specification can be NULL.
8134 16 Divide by zero error encountered.
8135 16 Table level constraint does not specify column list, table '%.*ls'.
8136 16 Duplicate columns specified in %ls constraint key list, table '%.*ls'.
8138 16 More than 16 columns specified in foreign key column list, table '%.*ls'.
8139 16 Number of referencing columns in foreign key differs from number of referenced columns, table '%.*ls'.
8140 16 More than one key specified in column level %ls constraint, table '%.*ls'.
8141 16 Column %ls constraint for column '%.*ls' references another column, table '%.*ls'.
8142 16 Subqueries are not supported in %ls constraints, table '%.*ls'.
8143 16 Parameter '%.*ls' was supplied multiple times.
8144 16 Too many arguments were supplied for procedure %.*ls.
8145 16 %.*ls is not a parameter for procedure %.*ls.
8146 16 Procedure %.*ls has no parameters and arguments were supplied.
8147 16 Could not create IDENTITY attribute on nullable column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'.
8148 16 More than one column %ls constraint specified for column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'.
8150 16 Multiple NULL constraints were specified for column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'.
8151 16 Both a PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraint have been defined for column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'. Only one is allowed.
8152 16 String or binary data would be truncated.
8153 0 Warning: Null value eliminated from aggregate.
8154 15 The table '%.*ls' is ambiguous.
8155 15 No column was specified for column %d of '%.*ls'.
8156 15 The column '%.*ls' was specified multiple times for '%.*ls'.
8157 15 All the queries in a query expression containing a UNION operator must have the same number of expressions in their select lists.
8158 15 '%.*ls' has more columns than were specified in the column list.
8159 15 '%.*ls' has fewer columns than were specified in the column list.
8160 15 A grouping function can only be specified when either CUBE or ROLLUP is specified in the GROUP BY clause.
8161 15 A grouping function argument does not match any of the expressions in the GROUP BY clause.
8162 16 Formal parameter '%.*ls' was defined as OUTPUT but the actual parameter not declared OUTPUT.
8163 16 The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT.
8164 16 An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.
8166 16 Constraint name '%.*ls' not permitted. Constraint names cannot begin with a number sign (#).
8168 16 Cannot create two constraints named '%.*ls'. Duplicate constraint names are not allowed.
8169 16 Syntax error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.
8170 16 Insufficient result space to convert uniqueidentifier value to char.
8175 10 Could not find table %.*ls. Will try to resolve this table name later.
8177 16 Cannot use a column in the %hs clause unless it is contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8178 16 Prepared statement '%.*ls' expects parameter %.*ls, which was not supplied.
8179 16 Could not find prepared statement with handle %d.
8180 16 Statement(s) could not be prepared.
8181 16 Text for '%.*ls' is missing from syscomments. The object must be dropped and re-created before it can be used.
8190 16 Cannot compile replication filter procedure without defining table being filtered.
8191 16 Replication filter procedures can only contain SELECT, GOTO, IF, WHILE, RETURN, and DECLARE statements.
8192 16 Replication filter procedures cannot have parameters.
8193 16 Cannot execute a procedure marked FOR REPLICATION.
8194 16 Cannot execute a USE statement while an application role is active.
8196 16 Duplicate column specified as ROWGUIDCOL.
8197 16 Windows NT user '%.*ls' does not have server access.
8198 16 Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user '%ls'.
8199 16 In EXECUTE <procname>, procname can only be a literal or variable of type char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar.
8501 16 MSDTC on server '%.*ls' is unavailable.
8502 20 Unknown MSDTC token '0x%x' received.
8504 20 Invalid transaction import buffer.
8506 20 Invalid transaction state change requested from %hs to %hs.
8508 20 QueryInterface failed for '%hs': %hs.
8509 20 Import of MSDTC transaction failed: %hs.
8510 20 Enlist of MSDTC transaction failed: %hs.
8511 20 Unknown isolation level %d requested from MSDTC.
8512 20 MSDTC Commit acknowledgement failed: %hs.
8513 20 MSDTC Abort acknowledgement failed: %hs.
8514 20 MSDTC PREPARE acknowledgement failed: %hs.
8515 20 MSDTC Global state is invalid.
8517 20 Failed to get MSDTC PREPARE information: %hs.
8518 20 MSDTC BEGIN TRANSACTION failed: %hs.
8519 16 Current MSDTC transaction must be committed by remote client.
8520 20 Commit of internal MSDTC transaction failed: %hs.
8521 20 Invalid awakening state. Slept in %hs; awoke in %hs.
8522 20 Distributed transaction aborted by MSDTC.
8523 15 PREPARE TRAN statement not allowed on MSDTC transaction.
8524 16 The current transaction could not be exported to the remote provider. It has been rolled back.
8601 17 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not obtain access to a required interface.
8602 16 The Index Tuning Wizard cannot process queries which contain index hints. Remove the index hints which reference table '%.*ls'.
8616 10 The index hints for table '%.*ls' were ignored because the table was considered a fact table in the star join.
8617 17 Invalid Query: CUBE and ROLLUP cannot compute distinct aggregates.
8618 17 Warning: The query processor could not produce a query plan from the optimizer because the total length of all the columns in the GROUP BY clause exceeds 8000 bytes.
8619 17 Warning: The query processor could not produce a query plan from the optimizer because the maximum row size of an intermediate result was too large to fit into a work table. Resubmit your query without the ROBUST PLAN hint.
8620 17 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an internal limit overflow.
8621 16 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization.
8622 16 Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying any hints and without using SET FORCEPLAN.
8623 16 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan.
8624 16 Internal SQL Server error.
8625 16 Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
8626 16 Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, or image columns. The query processor produced a query plan that required a text, ntext, or image column in a work table.
8627 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because of the combination of hints and text, ntext, or image data passing through operators using work tables.
8628 17 A time out occurred while waiting to optimize the query. Rerun the query.
8629 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan from the optimizer because a query cannot update a text, ntext, or image column and a clustering key at the same time.
8630 17 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution.
8640 17 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected work table error during execution.
8642 17 The query processor could not start the necessary thread resources for parallel query execution.
8644 16 Internal Query Processor Error: The plan selected for execution does not support the invoked given execution routine.
8645 17 A time out occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query. Rerun the query.
8646 21 The index entry for row ID %.*hs was not found in index ID %d, of table %d, in database '%.*ls'.
8647 20 Scan on sysindexes for database ID %d, object ID %ld, returned a duplicate index ID %d. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.
8648 20 Could not insert a row larger than the page size into a hash table. Resubmit the query with the ROBUSTPLAN hint.
8649 17 The query has been canceled because the estimated cost of this query (%d) exceeds the configured threshold of %d. Contact the system administrator.
8650 13 Intra-query parallelism caused your server command (process ID #%d) to deadlock. Rerun the query without intra-query parallelism by using the query hint option (maxdop 1).
8651 17 Could not perform the requested operation because the minimum query memory is not available. Decrease the configured value for the 'min memory per query' server configuration option.
8680 17 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during the processing of a remote query phase.
8901 13 Deadlock detected during DBCC. Complete the transaction in progress and retry this statement.
8902 17 Memory allocation error during DBCC processing.
8903 16 Extent %S_PGID in database ID %d is allocated in both GAM %S_PGID and SGAM %S_PGID.
8904 16 Extent %S_PGID in database ID %d is allocated by more than one allocation object.
8905 16 Extent %S_PGID in database ID %d is marked allocated in the GAM, but no SGAM or IAM has allocated it.
8906 16 Page %S_PGID in database ID %d is allocated in the SGAM %S_PGID and PFS %S_PGID, but was not allocated in any IAM. PFS flags '%hs'.
8907 16 Mixed extent %S_PGID in database ID %d has %d free pages. It should be included in the SGAM %S_PGID.
8908 16 Table Corrupt: Database ID %d, object ID %d, index ID %d. Chain linkage mismatch. %S_PGID->next = %S_PGID, but %S_PGID->prev = %S_PGID.
8909 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page ID %S_PGID. The PageId in the page header = %S_PGID.
8910 16 Page %S_PGID in database ID %d is allocated to both object ID %d, index ID %d, and object ID %d, index ID %d.
8911 10        The error has been repaired.
8912 10 %.*ls fixed %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors in database '%ls'.
8913 16 Extent %S_PGID is allocated to '%ls' and at least one other object.
8914 10 Incorrect PFS free space information for page %S_PGID, object ID %d, index ID %d, in database ID %d. Expected value %hs, actual value %hs.
8915 10           %S_PGID (number of mixed extents = %ld, mixed pages = %ld).
8916 10    Object ID %ld, Index ID %ld, data extents %ld, pages %ld, mixed extent pages %ld.
8917 10    Object ID %ld, Index ID %ld, index extents %ld, pages %ld, mixed extent pages %ld.
8918 10       (number of mixed extents = %ld, mixed pages = %ld) in this database.
8919 16 Single page allocation %S_PGID in table %ls, object ID %d, index ID %d is not allocated in PFS page ID %S_PGID.
8920 16 Cannot perform a %ls operation inside a user transaction. Terminate the transaction and reissue the statement.
8921 16 CHECKTABLE terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or a system table is corrupt. Check previous errors.
8922 10        Could not repair this error.
8923 10        The repair level on the DBCC statement caused this repair to be bypassed.
8924 10        Repairing this error requires other errors to be corrected first.
8925 16 Table Corrupt: Cross object linkage: Page %S_PGID, slot %d, in object ID %d, index ID %d, refers to page %S_PGID, slot %d, in object ID %d, index ID %d.
8926 16 Table Corrupt: Cross object linkage: Parent page %S_PGID, slot %d, in object ID %d, index ID %d, and page %S_PGID, slot %d, in object ID %d, index ID %d, next refer to page %S_PGID but are not in the same object.
8927 16 Object ID %d, index ID %d: The ghosted record count (%d) in the header does not match the number of ghosted records (%d) found on page %S_PGID.
8928 16 Object ID %d, index ID %d: Page %S_PGID could not be processed. See other errors for details.
8929 16 Object ID %d: Errors found in text ID %I64d owned by data record identified by %.*ls.
8930 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d cross-object chain linkage. Page %S_PGID points to %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d.
8931 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d B-tree level mismatch, page %S_PGID. Level %d does not match level %d from parent %S_PGID or previous %S_PGID.
8932 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, column '%.*ls'. The column ID %d is not valid for this table. The valid range is from 1 to %d. System table corruption.
8933 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. The low key value on page %S_PGID (level %d) is not %ls the key value in the parent %S_PGID slot %d.
8934 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. The high key value on page %S_PGID (level %d) is not less than the low key value in the parent %S_PGID, slot %d of the next page %S_PGID.
8935 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. The previous link %S_PGID on page %S_PGID does not match the previous page %S_PGID that the parent %S_PGID, slot %d expects for this page.
8936 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. %S_PGID->next = %S_PGID, but %S_PGID->Prev = %S_PGID.
8937 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. B-tree page %S_PGID has two parent nodes %S_PGID, slot %d and %S_PGID, slot %d.
8938 16 Table Corrupt: Page %S_PGID corrupt. Object ID %d, index ID %d. Unexpected page type %d.
8939 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID. Test (%hs) failed. Values are %ld and %ld.
8940 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID. Test (%hs) failed. Address 0x%x is not aligned.
8941 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID. Test (%hs) failed. Slot %d, offset 0x%x is invalid.
8942 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID. Test (%hs) failed. Slot %d, offset 0x%x overlaps with the prior row.
8943 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID. Test (%hs) failed. Slot %d, row extends into freespace at 0x%x.
8944 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID, row %d. Test (%hs) failed. Values are %ld and %ld.
8945 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d will be rebuilt.
8946 16 Table Corrupt: Allocation page %S_PGID has invalid %ls page header values. Type is %d. Check type, object ID and page ID on the page.
8947 16 Table Corrupt: Multiple IAM pages for object ID %d, index ID %d contain allocations for the same interval. IAM pages %S_PGID and %S_PGID.
8948 16 Database Corrupt: Page %S_PGID is marked with the wrong type in PFS page %S_PGID. PFS status 0x%x expected 0x%x.
8949 10 %.*ls fixed %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors in table '%ls' (object ID %d).
8950 16 %.*ls fixed %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors not associated with any single object.
8951 16 Table Corrupt: Table '%ls' (ID %d). Missing or invalid key in index '%ls' (ID %d) for the row:
8952 16 Table Corrupt: Database '%ls', index '%ls.%ls' (ID %d) (index ID %d). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
8953 10 Repair: Deleted text column, text ID %I64d, for object ID %d on page %S_PGID, slot %d.
8954 10 %.*ls found %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors not associated with any single object.
8955 16 Data row (%d:%d:%d) identified by (%ls) has index values (%ls).
8956 16 Index row (%d:%d:%d) with values (%ls) points to the data row identified by (%ls).
8957 10 DBCC %ls (%ls%ls%ls) executed by %ls found %d errors and repaired %d errors.
8958 10 %ls is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC %ls (%ls %ls).
8959 16 Table Corrupt: IAM page %S_PGID for object ID %d, index ID %d is linked in the IAM chain for object ID %d, index ID %d by page %S_PGID.
8960 23 Table Corrupt: Page %S_PGID, slot %d, column %d is not a valid complex column.
8961 23 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d. The text, ntext, or image node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d does not match its reference from page %S_PGID, slot %d.
8962 23 Table Corrupt: The text, ntext, or image node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d has incorrect node type %d.
8963 23 Table Corrupt: The text, ntext, or image node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d has type %d. It cannot be placed on a page of type %d.
8964 23 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d. The text, ntext, or image node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d is not referenced.
8965 23 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d. The text, ntext, or image node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d is referenced by page %S_PGID, slot %d, but was not seen in the scan.
8966 22 Could not read and latch page %S_PGID with latch type %ls. %ls failed.
8967 16 Table Corrupt: Invalid value detected in %ls for Object ID %d, index ID %d. Row skipped.
8968 16 Table Corrupt: %ls page %S_PGID (object ID %d, index ID %d) is out of the range of this database.
8969 16 Table Corrupt: IAM chain linkage error: Object ID %d, index ID %d. The next page for IAM page %S_PGID is %S_PGID, but the previous link for page %S_PGID is %S_PGID.
8970 16 Row corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page ID %S_PGID, row ID %d. Column '%.*ls' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row.
8971 16 Forwarded row mismatch: Object ID %d, page %S_PGID, slot %d points to forwarded row page %S_PGID, slot %d; the forwarded row points back to page %S_PGID, slot %d.
8972 16 Forwarded row referenced by more than one row. Object ID %d, page %d, slot %d incorrectly points to forwarded row page %S_PGID, slot %d; the forwarded row correctly refers back to page %S_PGID, slot %d.
8973 16 CHECKTABLE processing of object ID %d, index ID %d encountered page %S_PGID, slot %d twice. Possible internal error or allocation fault.
8974 16 Text node referenced by more than one node. Object ID %d, text, ntext, or image node page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d is pointed to by page %S_PGID, slot %d and by page %S_PGID, slot %d.
8975 16 Page referenced by more than one page: Object ID %d, index ID %d. Page %S_PGID->next is an unmatched linkage to page %S_PGID. %S_PGID->next matches the previous linkage of the page.
8976 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. Page %S_PGID not allocated or corrupt. Parent %S_PGID and previous %S_PGID refer to it.
8977 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. Parent node for page %S_PGID was not encountered.
8978 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. Page %S_PGID is missing a reference from previous page %S_PGID. Possible chain linkage problem.
8979 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. Page %S_PGID is missing references from parent (unknown) and previous (page %S_PGID) nodes. Possible bad root entry in sysindexes.
8980 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. Index node page %S_PGID, slot %d refers to child page %S_PGID and previous child %S_PGID, but they were not encountered.
8981 16 Table Corrupt: Object ID %d, index ID %d. The next pointer of %S_PGID refers to page %S_PGID. Neither %S_PGID nor its parent were encountered. Possible bad chain linkage.
8982 16 Table Corrupt: Cross object linkage. Page %S_PGID->next in object ID %d, index ID %d refers to page %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d but is not in the same index.
8983 10 Allocation page %S_PGID. Extents %d, used pages %d, referenced pages %d, mixed extents %d, mixed pages %d.
8984 10    Object ID %d, index ID %d. Allocations for %S_PGID. IAM %S_PGID, extents %d, used pages %d, mixed pages %d.
8985 16 Could not locate file '%.*ls' in sysfiles.
8986 16 Too many errors found (%d) for object ID %d. To see all error messages rerun the statement using "WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS".
8987 16 No help available for DBCC statement '%.*ls'.
8988 10 The schema for database '%ls' is changing. May find spurious allocation problems due to schema changes in progress.
8989 10 %.*ls found %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors in database '%ls'.
8990 10 %.*ls found %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors in table '%ls' (object ID %d).
8991 16 0x%.8x + 0x%.8x bytes is not a valid address range.
8992 16 Database ID %d, object '%ls' (ID %d). Loop in data chain detected at %S_PGID.
8993 16 Object ID %d, forwarding row page %S_PGID, slot %d points to page %S_PGID, slot %d. Did not encounter forwarded row. Possible allocation error.
8994 16 Object ID %d, forwarded row page %S_PGID, slot %d should be pointed to by forwarding row page %S_PGID, slot %d. Did not encounter forwarding row. Possible allocation error.
8995 16 System table '%.*ls' (object ID %d, index ID %d) is in filegroup %d. All system tables must be in filegroup %d.
8996 16 IAM page %S_PGID for object ID %d, index ID %d controls pages in filegroup %d, that should be in filegroup %d.
8997 16 Single page allocation %S_PGID for object ID %d, index ID %d is in filegroup %d; it should be in filegroup %d.
8998 16 Page corruptions on the GAM, SGAM, or PFS pages do not allow CHECKALLOC to verify database ID %d pages from %S_PGID to %S_PGID. See other errors for cause.
8999 10 Database tempdb allocation errors prevent further %ls processing.


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