Error | Severity | Description |
20001 | 0 | There is no nickname for article '%s' in publication '%s'. |
20002 | 0 | The filter '%s' already exists for article '%s' in publication '%s'. |
20003 | 0 | Could not generate nickname for '%s'. |
20007 | 16 | The system tables for merge replication could not be dropped successfully. |
20008 | 16 | The system tables for merge replication could not be created successfully. |
20009 | 16 | The article '%s' could not be added to the publication '%s'. |
20010 | 16 | The Snapshot Agent corresponding to the publication '%s' could not be dropped. |
20011 | 16 | Cannot set incompatible publication properties. The 'allow_anonymous' property of a publication depends on the 'immediate_sync' property. |
20012 | 16 | The subscription type '%s' is not allowed on publication '%s'. |
20013 | 16 | The publication property '%s' cannot be changed when there are subscriptions on it. |
20014 | 16 | Invalid @schema_option value. |
20015 | 16 | Could not remove directory '%ls'. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory. |
20016 | 16 | Invalid @subscription_type value. Valid values are 'pull' or 'anonymous'. |
20017 | 16 | The Subscriber side subscription does not exist. |
20018 | 16 | The @optional_command_line is too long. Use an agent definition file. |
20019 | 16 | The value must be 'name', 'description', 'subset_filterclause', 'column_tracking', 'article_resolver', 'resolver_procedure', 'status', 'pre_creation_command', 'creation_script', or 'schema_option'. |
20020 | 16 | The article resolver supplied is either invalid or nonexistent. |
20021 | 16 | The subscription could not be found. |
20023 | 16 | Invalid @subscriber_type value. Valid options are 'local', 'global', 'anonymous', or 'repub'. |
20025 | 16 | The publication name must be unique. The specified publication name '%s' has already been used. |
20026 | 16 | The publication '%s' does not exist. |
20027 | 16 | The article '%s' does not exist. |
20028 | 16 | The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not enable database for publishing. |
20029 | 16 | The distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not disable database for publishing. |
20030 | 16 | The article '%s' already exists in another publication with a different column tracking option. |
20031 | 16 | Could not delete the row could because it was not present. |
20032 | 16 | '%s' is not defined as a Subscriber for '%s'. |
20033 | 16 | Invalid publication type. |
20034 | 16 | Publication '%s' does not support '%s' subscriptions. |
20036 | 16 | The Distributor has not been installed correctly. |
20037 | 16 | The article '%s' already exists in another publication with a different article resolver. |
20038 | 16 | The article filter could not be added to the article '%s' in the publication '%s'. |
20039 | 16 | The article filter could not be dropped from the article '%s' in the publication '%s'. |
20040 | 16 | Could not drop the article(s) from the publication '%s'. |
20041 | 16 | Transaction rolled back. Could not execute trigger. Retry your transaction. |
20043 | 16 | Could not change the article '%s' because the publication has already been activated. |
20044 | 16 | The priority property is invalid for local subscribers. |
20045 | 16 | You must supply an article name. |
20046 | 16 | The article does not exist. |
20047 | 16 | You are not authorized to perform this operation. |
20049 | 16 | The priority value should not be larger than 100.0. |
20050 | 16 | The retention period must be greater than or equal to %d. |
20051 | 16 | The Subscriber is not a registered Subscriber. |
20054 | 16 | Current database is not enabled for publishing. |
20055 | 16 | Table '%s' cannot be published for merge replication because it has a timestamp column. |
20056 | 16 | Table '%s' cannot be republished. |
20057 | 16 | The profile name '%s' already exists for the specified agent type. |
20058 | 16 | The @agent_type must be 1 (Snapshot), 2 (Logreader), 3 (Distribution), or 4 (Merge) |
20059 | 16 | The @profile_type must be 0 (system) or 1 (Custom) |
20060 | 16 | Compatibility level can not be smaller than 60. |
20061 | 16 | The compatibility level of this database must be set to 70 or higher to be enabled for merge publishing. |
20062 | 16 | Update of columns with the rowguidcol property is not allowed. |
20064 | 16 | Cannot drop profile. Either it is not defined, or is defined as the default profile. |
20065 | 16 | Cannot drop profile, because it is in use. |
20066 | 16 | Profile not defined. |
20067 | 16 | The parameter name '%s' already exists for the specified profile. |
20068 | 16 | The article cannot be created on table '%s' because it has more than %d columns. |
20069 | 16 | Cannot validate a merge article that uses looping join filters. |
20070 | 16 | Cannot update subscription row. |
20071 | 16 | Cannot find the publication named '%s'. |
20072 | 16 | Cannot update Subscriber information row. |
20073 | 16 | Articles can only be added or changed at the publisher. |
20074 | 16 | Only tables can be published for merge replication. |
20075 | 16 | The @status parameter value must be 'active', 'inactive', or 'unsynced'. |
20076 | 16 | The @sync_mode parameter value must be 'native' or 'character'. |
20077 | 16 | Problem encountered generating replica nickname. |
20078 | 16 | The @property parameter value must be 'sync_type', 'priority', or 'description'. |
20079 | 16 | Invalid @subscription_type parameter value. Valid options are 'push', 'pull', or 'both'. |
20080 | 16 | Cannot publish table '%s' for merge replication because it has a computed column. |
20081 | 16 | Publication property '%s' cannot be NULL. |
20082 | 16 | Column '%s' cannot be published for replication because it is a computed column. |
20083 | 16 | Table '%s' cannot be published for replication because it includes a computed column. |
20084 | 16 | Publication '%s' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%s'. |
20086 | 16 | Publication '%s' does not support the nosync type because it contains a table that does not have a rowguidcol column. |
20087 | 16 | You cannot push an anonymous subscription. |
20088 | 16 | You can only assign priorities that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 100. |
20089 | 16 | Could not get license information correctly. |
20090 | 16 | Could not get version information correctly. |
20091 | 16 | sp_mergesubscription_cleanup is used to clean up push subscriptions. Use sp_dropmergepullsubscription to clean up pull or anonymous subscriptions. |
20100 | 16 | Cannot drop Subscriber '%s'. There are existing subscriptions. |
20500 | 16 | The updatable Subscriber stored procedure '%s' does not exist in sysobjects. |
20501 | 16 | Could not insert into sysarticleupdates using sp_articlecolumn. |
20502 | 16 | Invalid '%s' value. Valid values are 'read only' or 'sync tran'. |
20503 | 16 | Invalid '%s' value in '%s'. The publication is not enabled for updatable Subscribers. |
20505 | 16 | Could not drop synchronous update stored procedure '%s' in '%s'. |
20506 | 16 | Source table '%s' not found in '%s'. |
20507 | 16 | Table '%s' not found in '%s'. |
20508 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: The text/ntext/image values inserted at Subscriber will be NULL. |
20509 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: The text/ntext/image values cannot be updated at Subscriber. |
20510 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: Cannot update identity columns. |
20511 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: Cannot update timestamp columns. |
20512 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: Rolling back transaction. |
20515 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber. Refresh rows at Subscriber. |
20516 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: Replica is not updatable. |
20517 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: Update of replica's primary key is not allowed unless published table has a timestamp column. |
20518 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: INSERT and DELETE operations are not supported unless published table has a timestamp column. |
20519 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: INSERT operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber. |
20520 | 16 | Updatable Subscribers: UPDATE operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber. |
20521 | 16 | sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: Must be a member of the db_owner or sysadmin roles. |
20522 | 16 | sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: Invalid object name '%s'. |
20523 | 16 | Could not validate the article '%s'. It is not activated. |
20524 | 10 | Table '%s' may be out of synchronization. Rowcount difference (actual: %d, expected: %d). Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast). |
20525 | 10 | Table '%s' is out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %d, expected %d). Checksum difference (actual: %s, expected: %s). |
20526 | 10 | Table '%s' passed rowcount (%d) validation. Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast). |
20527 | 10 | Table '%s' passed rowcount (%d) and checksum validation. (Note: checksum is not compared for any text and image columns.) |
20528 | 10 | Log agent startup message. |
20529 | 10 | Starting agent. |
20530 | 10 | Run agent. |
20531 | 10 | Detect nonlogged agent shutdown. |
20532 | 10 | Replication Agent Schedule. |
20533 | 10 | Replication agents checkup |
20534 | 10 | Detects replication agents that are not actively logging history. |
20535 | 10 | Removes replication agent history from the distribution database. |
20536 | 10 | Replication: Agent failure |
20537 | 10 | Replication: Agent retry |
20538 | 10 | Replication: Expired subscription dropped |
20540 | 10 | Replication: Agent success |
20541 | 10 | Removes replicated transactions from the distribution database. |
20542 | 10 | Detects and removes expired subscriptions from published databases. |
20545 | 10 | Default agent profile |
20546 | 10 | Verbose history agent profile. |
20547 | 10 | Agent profile for detailed history logging. |
20548 | 10 | Slow link agent profile. |
20549 | 10 | Agent profile for low bandwidth connections. |
20552 | 10 | Could not clean up the distribution transaction tables. |
20553 | 10 | Could not clean up the distribution history tables. |
20554 | 10 | The agent is suspect. No response within last %ld minutes. |
20555 | 10 | 6.x publication. |
20556 | 10 | Detected heartbeats for all running replication agents. |
20557 | 10 | Agent shutdown. For more information see the SQL Server Agent job history for job '%s'. |
20558 | 10 | Table '%s' passed full rowcount validation after failing the fast check. DBCC UPDATEUSAGE will be automatically initiated. |
20559 | 10 | Conditional Fast Rowcount method requested without specifying an expected count. Fast method will be used. |
20560 | 10 | An expected checksum value was passed, but checksums will not be compared because rowcount only checking was requested. |
20561 | 10 | Generated expected rowcount value of %d for %s. |
20562 | 10 | User delete. |
20563 | 10 | No longer belongs in this partial. |
20564 | 10 | System delete. |
20565 | 10 | Replication: Subscriber has failed data validation |
20566 | 10 | Replication: Subscriber has passed data validation |
20567 | 10 | Agent history clean up: %s |
20568 | 10 | Distribution clean up: %s |
20569 | 10 | Expired subscription clean up |
20570 | 10 | Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures |
20571 | 10 | Reinitializes all subscriptions that have data validation failures. |
20572 | 10 | Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' has been reinitialized after a validation failure. |
20573 | 10 | Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure |
20574 | 10 | Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' failed data validation. |
20575 | 10 | Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' passed data validation. |
20576 | 10 | Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' has been reinitialized after a synchronization failure. |
20577 | 10 | No entries were found in msdb..sysreplicationalerts. |
20578 | 10 | Replication: Agent custom shutdown |
20579 | 10 | Generated expected rowcount value of %d and expected checksum value of %s for %s. |