Error 2513

Severity Level 16
Message Text

Table Corrupt: Object ID %ld (object '%.*ls') does not match between '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'.


This error occurs when the DBCC CHECKCATALOG statement deletes a database object in one system table and this is not expected in another. Most often, this occurs when one or more rows in the syscolumns, syscomments, sysindexes, or sysdepends tables have no corresponding rows in sysobjects. This error can also occur if an operation affecting the system table, such as deletion of a user table, was interrupted.


Although this error seldom interferes with database use, it is a good idea to restore the affected system table.

Warnings Severe problems can result from the direct manipulation of the system catalogs. Do not modify the system catalogs unless instructed to do so by your primary support provider.

Follow these steps to restore the consistency of the system tables:

  1. Display the offending rows by executing a query in the problem database against the two tables mentioned in the message. For example, if the message reports one or more mismatches between syscolumns and sysobjects:

    USE master


    SELECT * FROM syscolumns


    (SELECT FROM sysobjects)


  2. Enable updates to system tables by enabling the allow updates configuration option.

    Before modifying any system catalogs, be sure that you have a valid backup of the database. For more information about backup operations, see Backing Up and Restoring Databases.

    Warning Incorrect modification of the system catalogs can result in database corruption or data loss.

  3. Make sure that the rows displayed in Step 1 correspond to reported 2513 errors, and then delete them from the first table mentioned in the message text.
  4. If the number of rows affected by the delete does not match the number found in Step 1, roll back the transaction. If the numbers match, commit it.
  5. To confirm that the mismatches are fixed, reexecute DBCC CHECKCATALOG. Then, disable the allow updates configuration option.
See Also
allow updates Option Setting Configuration Options
Backing Up and Restoring Databases SQL Server Startup Options
CHECKPOINT sqlservr Application
DELETE syscomments
Errors 2000-2999 sysdepends
osql Utility sysindexes
RECONFIGURE sysobjects



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