Error 2535

Severity Level 16
Message Text

Table Corrupt: Page %S_PGID is allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, not to object ID %d, index ID %d found in page header.


The DBCC CHECKALLOC statement detected a mismatch in the object ID between an allocation structure (extent) and sysindexes.

Note Occasionally, DBCC CHECKALLOC reports this error when no real error condition exists. Execute DBCC CHECKALLOC in single-user mode if you suspect the 2535 error is incorrect.


Follow these steps:

  1. Examine the index ID associated with the page number in the message to determine whether the error occurred on the table data or on an index.
  2. Restore the database:

If the problem persists, contact your primary support provider for assistance. Have the output of the appropriate DBCC statements available for review.

See Also
DBCC CHECKALLOC Errors 2000-2999
DBCC CHECKDB Reporting Errors to Your Primary Support Provider


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