New Transact-SQL Functions
- + (Add) and - (Subtract) enable addition and subtraction of date and time.
- @@LOCK_TIMEOUT function contains the current locking time-out setting, in milliseconds, for the current session.
- COLUMNPROPERTY returns information about a column or procedure parameter.
- CONTAINSTABLE allows users to issue full-text queries (similar to those using the CONTAINS predicate) that return relevance ranking for each row.
- CURSOR_STATUS returns the status of a cursor or a cursor held in a cursor variable.
- DATABASEPROPERTY returns information about a database.
- DAY returns an integer representing the day date part of the specified date.
- FILE_ID returns a file identification number for a named file.
- FILE_NAME returns a file name for a given file identification number
- FILEGROUP_ID returns a filegroup identification number for a named filegroup.
- FILEGROUP_NAME returns a filegroup name for a given filegroup identification number.
- FILEGROUPPROPERTY returns the specified filegroup property value when given a filegroup and property name.
- FILEPROPERTY returns the specified file name property value when given a file name and property name.
- FREETEXTTABLE allows users to issue full-text queries (similar to those using the FREETEXT predicate) that return relevance ranking for each row.
- FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY returns information on full-text catalog status.
- FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY returns information on the Full-Text Search (MSSearch) Service and sets some service level properties.
- INDEXPROPERTY returns information about a particular index.
- IS_MEMBER indicates whether the current user is a member of the specified Microsoft® Windows NT® group or Microsoft SQL Server™ role.
- IS_SRVROLEMEMBER indicates whether the current user’s login is a member of the specified server role.
- LEN allows SQL Server to map to ODBC scalar functions.
- MONTH returns an integer representing the month date part of the specified date.
- NCHAR returns a Unicode character for a given character code value.
- NEWID creates a globally unique identification number (GUID).
- OBJECTPROPERTY returns information about objects in the database.
- OPENROWSET and OPENQUERY use OLE DB functionality to create a distributed query. For more information, see FROM.
- PARSENAME returns the specified piece of an object name.
- QUOTENAME returns the specified character string as a valid SQL Server quoted identifier.
- REPLACE replaces all occurrences of the second given string expression in the first string expression with a third expression.
- STDEV returns the standard deviation.
- STDEVP returns the standard deviation for the population.
- SUBSTRING now allows SUBSTRING functionality on text data.
- SUSER_SID returns the user’s security identification number (SID) from the login name.
- SUSER_SNAME returns the user’s login identification name from a user’s security identification number (SID).
- SYSTEM_USER returns the Windows NT domain and username for the currently logged in user connected through Windows NT Authentication.
- TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL returns the depth or nesting level of triggers in an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement.
- TYPEPROPERTY returns information about a data type.
- UNICODE returns a Unicode character code for a given Unicode character.
- VAR returns the variance.
- VARP returns the variance for the population.
- YEAR returns an integer representing the year date part of the specified date.
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