New System Stored Procedures
Microsoft® SQL Server™ includes these stored procedure:
- sp_add_agent_parameter adds a new parameter and its value to an agent’s profile.
- sp_add_agent_profile creates a new profile for a replication agent.
- sp_add_alert creates an alert.
- sp_addapprole adds a special type of role in the current database used for application security.
- sp_adddistpublisher creates a remote Publisher that uses the local Distributor.
- sp_adddistributiondb creates a new Distributor database and installs the Distributor schema.
- sp_add_category adds the specified job, alert, or operator category to the named server.
- sp_add_data_file_recover_suspect_db adds a data file to a file group when recovery cannot complete.
- sp_add_log_file_recover_suspect_db adds a log file to a file group when recovery cannot complete.
- sp_add_job adds a new job that can be executed by SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
- sp_add_jobschedule adds a job to the schedule of activities performed by SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
- sp_add_jobserver adds the specified server to the list of those servers available to process SQL Server jobs.
- sp_add_jobstep adds a step (operation) to a job.
- sp_addlinkedserver creates a linked server for use with distributed queries and OLE DB data sources.
- sp_addlinkedsrvlogin creates a new SQL Server login mapping for a linked server.
- sp_addmergearticle adds an article to an existing merge publication.
- sp_addmergefilter adds a new merge filter for the purpose of creating a partition based on a join with another table.
- sp_addmergepublication, creates a new merge publication.
- sp_addmergepullsubscription adds a merge subscription of type pull.
- sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent adds an agent for merge pull subscription at the Subscriber.
- sp_addmergesubscription creates a push or pull merge subscription.
- sp_add_notification sets up a notification for an alert.
- sp_add_operator sets up an operator (notification recipient) for use with alerts.
- sp_addpublication_snapshot creates a Snapshot Agent.
- sp_addpublisher70 adds a SQL Server version 7.0 Publisher at a SQL Server 6.5 Subscriber.
- sp_addpullsubscription adds a pull or an anonymous subscription at the current database of the Subscriber.
- sp_addpullsubscription_agent adds a new agent to the Subscriber’s database.
- sp_addrole creates a new Microsoft SQL Server role in the current database.
- sp_addrolemember adds a security account as a member of an existing SQL Server database role in the current database.
- sp_addsrvrolemember adds a login as a member of a fixed server role.
- sp_addsubscriber_schedule adds a schedule for the Distribution Agent and Merge Agent.
- sp_addsynctriggers creates synchronous transaction triggers at the Subscriber.
- sp_add_targetservergroup adds the specified server group name.
- sp_add_targetsvrgrp_member adds the specified group name. Adds the optionally specified server to the specified group.
- sp_apply_job_to_targets removes the specified job either from those servers on which the job has already been applied or from those servers on which the job is not currently applied.
- sp_approlepassword changes the password of an application role in the current database.
- sp_articlesynctranprocs generates synchronous transaction procedures at the Publisher.
- sp_attach_db attaches a database to the specified server.
- sp_attach_single_file_db works with a database having only one data file.
- sp_autostats immediately displays or changes the automatic statistics for one or many indexes.
- sp_browsereplcmds returns a result set containing the replicated commands stored in the distribution database.
- sp_catalogs returns the list of catalogs in the named linked server.
- sp_change_agent_parameter changes a parameter of a replication agent profile stored in Msagent_parameters.
- sp_change_agent_profile changes a parameter of a replication agent profile stored in Msagent_profiles
- sp_change_subscription_properties updates the security information in the MSsubscription_properties table.
- sp_changedistpublisher updates the properties of the distribution Publisher.
- sp_changedistributiondb updates the properties of the distribution database.
- sp_changedistributor_property updates the properties of the Distributor.
- sp_changedistributor_password changes the password for a Distributor.
- sp_changemergearticle changes the properties of a merge article.
- sp_changemergefilter changes some filter properties.
- sp_changemergepublication changes the properties of a merge publication.
- sp_changemergepullsubscription changes the properties of the merge pull subscription.
- sp_changemergesubscription changes a merge push or pull subscription.
- sp_changeobjectowner changes the owner of an object in the current database.
- sp_changesubscriber_schedule changes a Subscriber’s schedule for the Distribution Agent and Merge Agent.
- sp_check_for_sync_trigger determines if a user-defined trigger or stored procedure is being called in the context of an immediate-updating trigger.
- sp_column_privileges_ex returns column privileges for the specified table on the specified linked server.
- sp_columns_ex returns the column information for the given table.
- sp_createstats creates statistics for all eligible columns for all user-defined tables in the specified database.
- sp_cursor_list reports the attributes of server cursors currently open for the connection and visible to Transact-SQL statements.
- sp_cycle_errorlog closes the current error log file and cycles the error log extension numbers.
- sp_dbcmptlevel sets certain database behaviors to be compatible with a specified earlier version of SQL Server.
- sp_dbfixedrolepermission displays the permissions for each fixed database role.
- sp_delete_alert removes an alert used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to respond to special conditions or events in SQL Server.
- sp_delete_backuphistory deletes the entries in the backup and restore history tables for old backup sets.
- sp_delete_category removes the specified category from the named server.
- sp_delete_job deletes a job.
- sp_delete_jobschedule removes a job from the scheduled list of jobs to be executed by SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
- sp_delete_jobserver removes the specified server from processing SQL Server jobs.
- sp_delete_jobstep removes a job step from a job used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform automated activities.
- sp_delete_notification removes a notification used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to send an alert to an operator in the event of an error returned by SQL Server.
- sp_delete_operator removes an operator used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to identify the person notified when an alert occurs.
- sp_delete_targetserver removes the specified server from the list of available job servers.
- sp_delete_targetservergroup removes the specified server from the target server group.
- sp_delete_targetsvrgrp_member removes the specified group name.
- sp_deletemergeconflictrow deletes rows from the msmerge_delete_conflicts table.
- sp_denylogin prevents a Microsoft Windows NT® user or group from connecting to SQL Server.
- sp_describe_cursor reports the attributes of a server cursor.
- sp_describe_cursor_columns reports the attributes of the columns in the result set of a server cursor.
- sp_describe_cursor_tables reports the base tables referenced by a server cursor.
- sp_detach_db detaches a database from the specified server.
- sp_drop_agent_parameter drops one or all profiles from the MSagent_parameters table.
- sp_drop_agent_profile drops or all parameters of one or all profiles in the MSagent_parameters table.
- sp_dropapprole removes an application role from the current database.
- sp_dropdistpublisher drops a Publisher that serves as its own Distributor.
- sp_dropdistributiondb drops a Distributor database.
- sp_droplinkedsrvlogin removes an existing SQL Server login mapping to a linked server.
- sp_dropmergearticle removes an article from a merge publication.
- sp_dropmergefilter drops a merge filter.
- sp_dropmergepublication drops a merge publication and its associated Snapshot Agent.
- sp_dropmergepullsubscription drops a merge pull subscription.
- sp_dropmergesubscription drops a subscription to a merge publication and its associated Merge Agent.
- sp_droppullsubscription drops a subscription at the current database of the Subscriber.
- sp_droprole which removes a SQL Server role from the current database.
- sp_droprolemember removes a security account from a Microsoft SQL Server role in the current database.
- sp_dropsrvrolemember removes a SQL Server login, or a Windows NT user or group, from a fixed server role.
- sp_dumpparamcmd returns detailed information for a parameterized command stored in the distribution database.
- sp_enumcodepages returns a three-column list: code page, character set, and code page description.
- sp_enumcustomresolvers returns a listing of all available custom resolvers.
- sp_expired_subscription_cleanup periodically checks the status of all the subscriptions of every publication and identifies those that have expired.
- sp_foreignkeys returns the foreign keys defined on the specified remote table.
- sp_fulltext_catalog administers a full-text catalog.
- sp_fulltext_column administers a full-text indexed column.
- sp_fulltext_database initializes or disables full-text indexing.
- sp_fulltext_service changes full-text service settings.
- sp_fulltext_table administers a full-text indexed table.
- sp_generatefilters creates filters on foreign key tables when a specified table is replicated.
- sp_getmergedeletetype returns the type of merge delete.
- sp_get_distributor determines whether a Distributor is installed on a server.
- sp_grant_publication_access adds a login to the publication's access list.
- sp_grantdbaccess adds a security account in the current database for a login, or Windows NT user or group, and enables it to be granted permissions to perform activities in the database.
- sp_grantlogin allows a Windows NT user or group account to connect to SQL Server.
- sp_help_agent_default retrieves the ID of the default configuration for the agent type passed as parameter.
- sp_help_agent_parameter returns all the parameters of a profile from the MSagent_parameters table.
- sp_help_agent_profile displays the profile of a specified agent.
- sp_help_alert reports information about the alerts defined for the server.
- sp_help_category provides information about the specified classes of jobs, alerts, or operators.
- sp_helpdbfixedrole returns a list of the fixed database roles.
- sp_helpdistpublisher returns properties of a Publisher that serves as its own Distributor.
- sp_helpdistributiondb returns properties of the specified Distributor database(s).
- sp_help_downloadlist lists all rows in the sysdownloadlist system table for the supplied job, or all rows if no job is specified.
- sp_helpfile returns the physical names and attributes of files associated with the current database.
- sp_helpfilegroup returns the names and attributes of filegroups associated with the current database.
- sp_help_fulltext_catalogs gets a list of full-text catalogs.
- sp_help_fulltext_catalogs_cursor gets a list of full-text catalogs.
- sp_help_fulltext_tables gets a list of full-text indexed tables.
- sp_help_fulltext_tables_cursor gets a list of full-text indexed tables.
- sp_help_fulltext_columns gets a list of full-text indexed columns.
- sp_help_fulltext_columns_cursor gets a list of full-text indexed columns.
- sp_help_job returns information about jobs that are used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform automated activities in SQL Server.
- sp_help_jobhistory provides information about the jobs for servers in the multiserver administration domain.
- sp_help_jobschedule returns information about the scheduling of jobs used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform automated activities.
- sp_help_jobserver returns information about the specified job.
- sp_help_jobstep returns information for the steps in a job used by SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform automated activities.
- sp_helpmergearticle returns information about an article.
- sp_helpmergearticleconflicts returns the articles in the publication that have conflicts.
- sp_helpmergeconflictrows returns the rows in the specified conflict table.
- sp_helpmergedeleteconflictrows returns the rows in the specified msmerge_delete_conflicts table.
- sp_helpmergefilter returns information about merge filter(s).
- sp_helpmergepublication returns information about a merge publication.
- sp_helpmergepullsubscription returns information about the pull subscription.
- sp_helpmergesubscription returns information about a push subscription.
- sp_help_notification reports a list of notifications.
- sp_helpntgroup reports information about Windows NT groups with accounts in the current database.
- sp_help_operator reports information about the operators defined for the server.
- sp_helppullsubscription displays information about one or more subscriptions at the Subscriber.
- sp_helpreplicationdboption shows the databases that have the replication option enabled.
- sp_helprole returns information about the roles in the current database.
- sp_helprolemember returns information about the members of a role in the current database.
- sp_helpsrvrole returns a list of the SQL Server fixed server roles.
- sp_helpsrvrolemember returns information about the members of a SQL Server fixed server role.
- sp_helpsubscription lists subscription information associated with a particular publication, article, Subscriber, or set of subscriptions.
- sp_helpsubscription_properties retrieves security information from the Mssubscription_properties table.
- sp_help_targetserver lists all target servers.
- sp_help_targetservergroup lists all target servers in the specified group. If no group is specified, SQL Server returns information on all target server groups.
- sp_helptrigger returns the type or types of triggers defined on the specified table for the current database.
- sp_indexes returns index information for the specified remote table.
- sp_indexoption sets option values for user-defined indexes.
- sp_link_publication sets the configuration and security information used by synchronization triggers when connecting to the Publisher.
- sp_linkedservers returns the list of linked servers defined in the local server.
- sp_makewebtask has additional parameters.
- sp_manage_jobs_by_login deletes or reassigns jobs belonging to the specified login.
- sp_mergedummyupdate does a dummy update on the given row so that changes to text columns made using UPDATETEXT are sent during the next merge.
- sp_mergesubscription_cleanup removes metadata such as triggers and entries in sysmergesubscription and sysmergeaarticles when a merge subscription is dropped at a Subscriber.
- sp_msx_defect removes the current server from multiserver operations.
- sp_msx_enlist adds the current server to the list of servers available for multiserver operations.
- sp_primarykeys returns the primary key columns for the specified remote table.
- sp_post_msx_operation inserts rows into the sysdownloadlist system table for target servers to download posted job operations.
- sp_procoption sets procedure options.
- sp_purge_jobhistory removes the history records for jobs that have been performed by SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
- sp_refreshsubscriptions adds subscriptions to new articles in a pull publication for all the existing Subscribers to the publication.
- sp_refreshview refreshes the metadata for the specified view.
- sp_reinitmergepullsubscription marks a merge subscription for reinitialization the next time the Merge Agent runs.
- sp_reinitmergesubscription marks a merge subscription for reinitialization the next time the Merge Agent runs.
- sp_reinitpullsubscription marks a merge subscription for reinitialization the next time the Merge Agent runs.
- sp_reinitsubscription resynchronizes the subscription.
- sp_remove_job_from_targets removes the specified job from the given target servers or target server groups.
- sp_replicationdboption sets a replication database option for the current database.
- sp_replication_agent_checkup checks each distribution database for replication agents that are running but have not logged history within the specified heartbeat interval.
- sp_replshowcmds returns the commands for transactions marked for replication in a readable format.
- sp_removedbreplication removes all replication objects from a database without updating data at the Distributor.
- sp_resync_targetserver resynchronizes the specified server in the multiserver domain.
- sp_revoke_publication_access removes the login from a publications access list.
- sp_revokedbaccess removes a security account from the current database.
- sp_revokelogin removes the login entries for a Windows NT user or group created with sp_grantlogin or sp_denylogin from SQL Server.
- sp_script_synctran_commands generates a script containing the sp_addsynctrigger calls to be applied at Subscribers for nonsynchronous Subscriptions.
- sp_scriptdelproc enerates the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to create a custom stored procedure.
- sp_scriptinsproc generates the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to create a custom stored procedure.
- sp_scriptupdproc generates the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to create a custom stored procedure.
- sp_serveroption provides these new server options:
collation compatible |
rpc out |
data access |
system |
local login mapping |
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