How to use SQL Mail (Transact-SQL)

SQL Mail uses several extended stored procedures that are necessary for mail enabling. These extended stored procedures are included in a dynamic-link library, SQLMAP60.DLL, which is installed with Microsoft® SQL Server™.

To process e-mail messages manually

  1. In SQL Server Query Analyzer, start a SQL Server Mail client session by executing xp_startmail.
  2. To find the ID of the next unread message in the mail box, execute xp_findnextmsg.
  3. To read a message or attachment, execute xp_readmail (using a specific message ID), and use the output variable in a SELECT statement to display the message in the result pane.
  4. To delete a message, execute xp_deletemail (using a specific message ID).
  5. To send a message or a query result set to specified recipients, execute xp_sendmail (with the query in the message body).
  6. Stop the SQL Server Mail client session by executing xp_stopmail.

To process multiple e-mail messages as a scheduled job

  1. In SQL Server Query Analyzer, start a SQL Server Mail client session by executing xp_startmail.
  2. Execute sp_processmail to find, read, respond to, and delete multiple messages.
  3. Stop the SQL Server Mail client session by executing xp_stopmail.
See Also
sp_processmail xp_sendmail
xp_deletemail xp_startmail
xp_findnextmsg xp_stopmail

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