
typedef struc tagDISTCOMMANDDESC{
INT            PublicationID;
INT            ArticleID;
INT            CommandID;
DISTCMDTYPE    CommandType;
BOOL        fPartialCommand;
LPSTR        szCommand;
BYTE*        pXactID;
BYTE*        pXactSeqno;
LPSTR        szOriginator;
LPSTR        szOriginatorDB;


Part Description
PublicationID Publication ID.
ArticleID Article ID.
CommandID Uniquely identifies commands within a transaction. Each command added to a transaction should have a unique, monotonically increasing command ID.
CommandType Identifies the type of the command. The Microsoft® SQL Server™ Distribution Agent can handle the following command types:

SQL_CMDTYPE_SQL = Transact-SQL command.
SQL_CMDTYPE_SCRIPT = File path to a Transact-SQL script file.
SQL_CMDTYPE_NATIVE_BCP = File path to a .bcp file in native format.
SQL_CMDTYPE_CHAR_BCP = File path to a .bcp file in character format.
SQL_CMDTYPE_WORKINGDIR = File path to the directory that snapshot files are stored in. Used by distribution cleanup agent.

fPartialCommand Determines whether the command wraps more than one row.
szCommand Command text.
pXactID Pointer to the transaction ID.
pXactSeqno Pointer to the transaction sequence number.
szOriginator Name of the originating server.
szOriginatorDB Name of the originating database.


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