DataPumpTask Object (DTS)

The DTS Data Pump is an OLE DB service provider that provides the means to import, export, and transform data between heterogeneous data sources.

The DataPumpTask object contains information about creating and executing an instance of the data pump and is implemented as a custom task.

DestinationColumnDefinitions Collection SourceCommandProperties Collection
DestinationCommandProperties Collection Transformations Collection
Lookups Collection  

Execute Method  

AllowIdentityInserts Property FirstRow Property
Description Property InsertCommitSize Property
DestinationConnectionID Property LastRow Property
DestinationObjectName Property MaximumErrorCount Property
DestinationSQLStatement Property Name Property
ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter Property ProgressRowCount Property
ExceptionFileName Property SourceConnectionID Property
ExceptionFileRowDelimiter Property SourceObjectName Property
FastLoadOptions Property SourceSQLStatement Property
FetchBufferSize Property UseFastLoad Property


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