Package Object (DTS)

The Package object is the main transformation-defining object from which all other objects stem.

Connections Collection Steps Collection
GlobalVariables Collection Tasks Collection

Execute Method RemoveFromSQLServer Method
GetDTSVersionInfo Method SaveAs Method
GetLastExecutionLineage Method StartPreparationForStepsExecutingOnMainThread Method
GetSavedPackageInfos Method SaveToRepository Method
LoadFromRepository Method SaveToSQLServer Method
LoadFromSQLServer Method SaveToStorageFile Method
LoadFromStorageFile Method Uninitialize Method
RemoveFromRepository Method  

OnError Event OnQueryCancel Event
OnFinish Event OnStart Event
OnProgress Event  

AutoCommitTransaction Property PackageID Property
CreationDate Property PackagePriorityClass Property
CreatorComputerName Property Parent Property
CreatorName Property PrecedenceBasis Property
Description Property TransactionIsolationLevel Property
FailOnError Property UseOLEDBServiceComponents Property
LineageOptions Property UseTransaction Property
LogFileName Property VersionID Property
MaxConcurrentSteps Property WriteCompletionStatusToNTEventLog Property
Name Property  


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