DataDrivenQueryTask Object (DTS)

The DataDrivenQueryTask object contains information about specifying the use of individual queries instead of performing an INSERT operation at the destination. Data is read from the source and transformed, and a custom transformation returns an indicator, of which of up to four custom parameterized queries are executed on the destination, using the transformed values in the destination row. DataDrivenQueryTask is an implementation of a CustomTask object.

DestinationColumnDefinitions Collection SourceCommandProperties Collection
DestinationCommandProperties Collection Transformations Collection
Lookups Collection  

Execute Method  

DeleteQuery Property InsertQueryColumns Property
DeleteQueryColumns Property LastRow Property
Description Property MaximumErrorCount Property
DestinationConnectionID Property Name Property
DestinationObjectName Property ProgressRowCount Property
DestinationSQLStatement Property SourceConnectionID Property
ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter Property SourceObjectName Property
ExceptionFileName Property SourceSQLStatement Property
ExceptionFileRowDelimiter Property UpdateQuery Property
FetchBufferSize Property UpdateQueryColumns Property
FirstRow Property UserQuery Property
InsertQuery Property UserQueryColumns Property


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