SaveToRepository Method (DTS)

The SaveToRepository method saves information being held in the Package object to the specified repository. This includes information held in the objects and collections that belong to the Package object.

Applies To
Package Object  



Part Description
Package Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
RepositoryServerName Repository server name
RepositoryDatabaseName Repository database name or DSN
RepositoryUsername Repository username
RepositoryUserPassword Repository user password
Flags DTS Repository Storage Flags constant
CategoryID Reserved
pVarPersistStgOfHost Screen layout information associated with a package (for internal use)


RepositoryDatabaseName is evaluated as an ODBC DSN if RepositoryServerName is empty or NULL. Otherwise, RepositoryServerName and RepositoryDatabaseName are used to create a DSN-less connection.

A new VersionID value is always generated when the package is saved.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT SaveToRepository(BSTR RepositoryServerName,
BSTR RepositoryDatabaseName,
BSTR RepositoryUserName,
BSTR RepositoryUserPassword,
DTSRepositoryStorageFlags Flags,
BSTR CategoryID,
LPUNKNOWN pUnkPersistStgOfHost);


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