
DTSPackageError constants specify error ranges for package creation and execution.

Constant Value Description
DTSPackage_E_AbandonedRowQueueDest 1076 This Step object has a DataPumpTask RowQueue destination. A corresponding Step object with a DataPumpTask RowQueue source was not found or was skipped.
DTSPackage_E_AxScript_BadFunctionName 1020 Microsoft® ActiveX® scripting: Function not found.
DTSPackage_E_AxScript_CantAddGlobals 1021 ActiveX scripting: Cannot add global variables to ActiveX script.
DTSPackage_E_AxScript_CantInitializeEngine 1017 ActiveX scripting: Not able to initialize the script execution engine.
DTSPackage_E_AxScript_ParseError 1019 ActiveX scripting: Error parsing script.
DTSPackage_E_AxScript_RequiredParams 1018 ActiveX scripting: AxScript_RequiredParams, Language, and FunctionEntry names are required to be specified.
DTSPackage_E_AxScript_RunTimeError 1022 ActiveX scripting: Encountered a run-time error during the execution of the script.
DTSPackage_E_BadForceMode 1065 Invalid DTSForceMode value.
DTSPackage_E_BadGUIDValue 1038 Invalid GUID value specified.
DTSPackage_E_BadPackageDSORowsetTask 1075 PackageDSORowset Step object must have a DataPumpTask.
DTSPackage_E_BadPrecedenceBasis 1026 Precedence basis should be step status or result.
DTSPackage_E_BadPrecedenceStep 1036 Step specified in a precedence constraint was not found.
DTSPackage_E_BadPriorityClass 1042 Invalid priority class specified for the package.
DTSPackage_E_BadRelativePriority 1043 Invalid relative priority specified for a step.
DTSPackage_E_BadStepResultValue 1024 Invalid step result value.
DTSPackage_E_BadStepStatusValue 1023 Invalid step status value.
DTSPackage_E_BadStepTask 1027 Cannot find task associated with step.
DTSPackage_E_BadTaskResultValue 1025 Invalid task result value.
DTSPackage_E_CannotFindConnection 1031 Connection specified in a task was not found.
DTSPackage_E_CannotPersistProperty 1062 Cannot store property values in file or repository if they are empty, null, arrays, or objects.
DTSPackage_E_CantChangeLoadedPkgName 1060 Cannot change name of a package that has been loaded from a storage file or repository.
DTSPackage_E_CantFindPackageInStg 1044 Cannot find specified package in the storage location specified.
DTSPackage_E_CantFindVersionInStg 1040 Cannot find specified version of package in the storage location specified.
DTSPackage_E_CantSetCommandProps 1041 Cannot set command properties specified.
DTSPackage_E_ColumnNeedsNameOrOrdinal 1007 Columns collection can be indexed only by name or ordinal.
DTSPackage_E_ColumnsNotDescribed 1014 Describe method must be called before rows can be retrieved or written.
DTSPackage_E_ConnectionInUse 1030 Connection is currently being used by a task. The connection cannot be closed or reused.
DTSPackage_E_ConnectionRequiresValidTaskName 1029 Acquiring a connection requires a valid task name.
DTSPackage_E_CreateProcTask_Timeout 1037 Process created by a task did not terminate within the time specified.
DTSPackage_E_DataDrivenQueryTask_RequireXforms 1077 DataDrivenQueryTask object requires transformations to be specified.
DTSPackage_E_DatatypeNotFound 1009 Invalid column data type.
DTSPackage_E_DescribeNeedsQuery 1013 Custom implementation object’s query property must be set before the columns can be described.
DTSPackage_E_DSO_CantRelaunchPackage 1073 Package associated with this OLE DB provider cannot be relaunched.
DTSPackage_E_DSO_OnlyOneCommand 1074 This OLE DB provider supports only a single active command.
DTSPackage_E_DSO_OnlyOneRowset 1071 This OLE DB provider supports only a single active rowset.
DTSPackage_E_DSO_OnlyOneSession 1070 This OLE DB provider supports only a single active session.
DTSPackage_E_DSO_ProviderStringRequired 1072 This OLE DB provider requires a PROVIDERSTRING or DATASOURCE initialization property to be set.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_CantCreateOrWrite 1045 Cannot create storage elements or write to streams while loading encrypted package.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_CantOpenOrRead 1046 Cannot open storage elements or read from streams while saving encrypted package.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_HandsOnStg 1047 Encrypted storage cannot be released, committed, or reverted when elements in storage have not been released.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_PasswordNotMatching 1049 Password specified does not match the owner or operator password.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_RequirePassword 1050 Cannot load encrypted package without a password.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_StreamTooLarge 1051 Encrypted streams cannot exceed a size of 128 KB.
DTSPackage_E_EncryptStg_UnsupportedFlags 1048 Encrypted storage does not support the flags specified to open or create a storage element.
DTSPackage_E_ExecutionCanceled 1063 Execution was canceled by user.
DTSPackage_E_FailedOnStepError 1064 Package failed because a step failed.
DTSPackage_E_MultiPackageStgNeedsID 1066 Specified storage file contains multiple packages; loading requires a name or package ID.
DTSPackage_E_NameDup 1004 Object of the specified name already exists in this object collection so a new object of the same name cannot be added.
DTSPackage_E_NameMustBeUniqueInStgFile 1067 Specified storage file already contains a package of this name with a different package ID.
DTSPackage_E_NameNotFound 1003 Object of specified name was not found in this object collection.
DTSPackage_E_NeedConnectionInfo 1010 Specify connection information in the custom implementation child of this object.
DTSPackage_E_NeedDataDrivenQueries 1078 DataDrivenQueryTask object requires at least one query (and associated columns) to be specified.
DTSPackage_E_NeedDataDrivenQueryAndColumns 1079 Data-driven queries must specify the text of the parameterized query and identify any columns (in the associated columns collection) needed to fill in the parameters.
DTSPackage_E_NeedDestinationColumn     Definitions 1069 Returned by data pump task execution when column definitions are required by the pump but not supplied by the application.
DTSPackage_E_NoPackageDataFromServer 1068 No data for the specified package was retrieved from the specified server running Microsoft SQL Server™.
DTSPackage_E_NoStepsDefined 1005 No steps have been defined for the transformation package.
DTSPackage_E_NoStepsToExecute 1012 No steps have been added.
DTSPackage_E_NotImplemented 1001 Method or property not yet implemented.
DTSPackage_E_NoXformDispatch 1061 Transformation server does not support setting properties through automation interfaces.
DTSPackage_E_ODBC_NeedConnectionInfo 1011 ODBC connection requires either a data source name or a server and driver name.
DTSPackage_E_OrdOutofRange 1002 Index value is out of range for this object collection.
DTSPackage_E_PropertyStringTooLong 1059 This property cannot hold a string longer than 255 characters.
DTSPackage_E_PumpTask_RequireRowsetDataSrcInfo 1034 Data source object name or SQL statement is required to obtain a rowset.
DTSPackage_E_PumpTask_RequireSrcAndDestColumns 1033 Source and destination columns are required for a Transformation object.
DTSPackage_E_PumpTask_RequireXformServer 1035 Transform server ID or transform server needs to be provided for a data pump task transformation.
DTSPackage_E_PumpTask_RequireXforms 1032 Data pump task requires transformations to be specified.
DTSPackage_E_RequireColumnNameAndOrdinal 1058 Specify a valid name and ordinal value for the column.
DTSPackage_E_RequireConnectionProperties 1028 Required Connection object properties have not been specified in a Connection object.
DTSPackage_E_RequireConnectionID 1057 Specify a valid ID for the connection.
DTSPackage_E_RequireNameForExecOr\Stg 1039 Cannot load, save, or execute the package if some objects do not have a name. Specify names for these objects.
DTSPackage_E_Security_InvalidPassword 1052 Password specified is invalid. Specify a password that is at least 8 characters in length.
DTSPackage_E_Security_OperatorNotPrivileged 1054 Operator is privileged only to load the package and execute it.
DTSPackage_E_Security_RequireBothPasswords 1053 Specify both owner and operator passwords to save a package to encrypted storage.
DTSPackage_E_SQLTask_RequireSQL 1055 ExecuteSQLTask object requires SQL statements to be specified.
DTSPackage_E_Step_CyclicDependency 1015 Step cannot be a predecessor of itself.
DTSPackage_E_UnknownOleDBProperty 1056 OLE DB property specified is not supported by this OLE DB provider.
DTSPackage_E_UsageBeforeDescribeOnly 1016 Reserved.
DTSPackage_E_WrongCollection 1008 Collection member may only be added or inserted under the same parent from which it was acquired.


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