
DTSTransformFlags constants specify the flags (int or long) controlling transformation.

Constant Value Description
DTSTransformFlag_AllowDemotion 1 IDTSDataPump
method should allow the transfer to proceed even if there are potential overflows, under the assumption that the consumer is aware of this, but knows the source values are all (or mostly) within the destination column’s range.
DTSTransformFlag_AllowLosslessConversion 512 Causes the TransformServer property to allow all conversions for which a lossless conversion is possible (for example, Promotion, non-NULLable -> NULLable, unsigned -> promoted signed).
DTSTransformFlag_AllowNullChange 16 IDTSDataPump
method should allow the transfer to proceed even if the source column allows NULL values and the destination column does not.
DTSTransformFlag_AllowNumericTruncation 8 IDTSDataPump
method should allow the transfer to proceed even in the event that the source is a floating-point or numeric/decimal type and the destination is an integral type.
DTSTransformFlag_AllowPromotion 2 IDTSDataPump
method should allow the transfer to proceed when there is promotion in the data range when moving from the source to the destination types, such as I2->I4 or I4->float/double.
DTSTransformFlag_AllowSignChange 32 IDTSDataPump
should allow the transfer to proceed even in the event that the source and destination have a signed versus unsigned mismatch.  As with AllowDemotion, errors may be encountered during a transform.
DTSTransformFlag_AllowStringTruncation 4 This flag allows column (w)char or byte data to be truncated silently, such as when moving data from a char(60) to a char(40) column.
DTSTransformFlag_Default 63 No flags are specified; the conversion must be between exact types.
DTSTransformFlag_ForceConvert 128 Allow the conversion to proceed at all times, even when the source and destination types are fundamentally different.
DTSTransformFlag_PreserveDestRows 256 Causes the TransformServer property not to use the ClearBindingData() method to clear the destination-row storage for the columns in this transform during the OnRowComplete() event.
DTSTransformFlag_RequireExactType 64 Require that the destination column’s data type be exactly the same as the source column’s (including length or precision and scale, fixed versus variable length, sign, and nullability).
DTSTransformFlag_Strict 0 No flags are specified; the conversion must be between exact types.


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