IDTSDataPumpErrorSink::OnBindingError (DTS)

The OnBindingError method indicates that a binding error occurred in a call to the OLE DB IAccessor::CreateAccessor method.


HRESULT OnBindingError (
HRESULT hrError,
LPCDTSTransformColumnInfo pSourceRow,
const DBBINDSTATUS *pSourceDBBindStatus,
LPCDTSTransformColumnInfo pDestinationRow,
const DBBINDSTATUS *pDestinationDBBindStatus );

Argument Description
pvExecUserData [in] User data pointer passed to IDTSDataPump::Execute
hrError [in] Error code from CreateAccessor: specifies the destination if pDestinationRow, the source if pSourceRow
pSourceRow [in] Pointer to the source row and binding information
*pSourceDBBindStatus [in] Pointer to source binding status returns
pDestinationRow [in] Pointer to the destination row and binding information; NULL if from a source binding error
*pDestinationDBBindStatus [in] Pointer to destination binding status returns; NULL if from a source binding error


OnBindingError can be useful when designing custom transformation servers, and is primarily used to diagnose BLOB-related problems.


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