IDTSDataPumpErrorSink::OnDestinationError (DTS)

The OnDestinationError method indicates that an error occurred on one or more transformations.


HRESULT OnDestinationError (
LPBYTE pvExecUserData,
LPDTSTransformColumnInfo pSourceRow,
LPDTSTransformColumnInfo pDestinationRow,
HRESULT hrError,
ULONG cErrors,
BOOL *pbAbort );

Argument Description
pvExecUserData [in] User data pointer passed to IDTSDataPump::Execute.
pSourceRow [in] Pointer to the source row and binding information; NULL if GetNextRows or GetData failed.
PDestinationRow [in] Pointer to the destination row and binding information; NULL if prior to the execution of the transformation.
hrError [in] Error code from the OLE DB or system call.
uliRow [in] Number of the row that failed.
cErrors [in] Number of error rows encountered during the transformation, including the current row.
*pbAbort [out] Set to TRUE by the error sink if this error should terminate IDTSDataPump::Execute. Otherwise, Execute continues until MaximumErrorRowCount is exceeded.


OnTransformError is called when an error is encountered sending a row to the destination using IRowsetChange::InsertRow. Operation of the data pump continues unless the pbAbort flag is set to TRUE or the maximum allowable error count is exceeded.


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