IDTSDataPumpErrorSink::OnTransformError (DTS)

The OnTransformError method indicates that an error occurred during one or more transformations.


HRESULT OnTransformError (
LPBYTE pvExecUserData,
LPBYTE pvTransformUserData,
IDTSDataPumpTransform *pTransformServer,
LPDTSTransformColumnInfo pSourceRow,
DTSTransformStatus TransformStatus,
HRESULT hrTransform,
ULONG cErrors,
BOOL *pbAbort );

Argument Description
pvExecUserData [in] User data pointer passed to IDTSDataPump::Execute.
pvTransformUserData [in] User data pointer passed to IDTSDataPump::AddTransform in DTSTransformColumnsSpecification parameter.
*pTransformServer [in] Transformation server returning the error; the application can call IUnknown::QueryInterface for additional information.
pSourceRow [in] Pointer to the source row and binding information.
TransformStatus [in] Transformation return code.
hrTransform [in] DTSDataPumpTransform::Execute return code.
uliRow [in] Number of the row that failed.
cErrors [in] Number of error rows encountered during the transformation, including the current row.
*pbAbort [out] Set to TRUE by the error sink if this error should terminate IDTSDataPump::Execute. Otherwise, Execute continues until MaximumErrorRowCount is exceeded.


OnTransformError is called when an error is encountered transforming a row. Such an error may be encountered in one of three ways:

  1. The transformation server encounters data that cannot be transformed. This is considered normal and operation of the data pump continues unless the pbAbort flag is set to TRUE or the maximum allowable error count is exceeded.
  2. The transformation server returns an error from DTSDataPumpTransform::Execute. This is considered a fatal data pump error.
  3. The transformation server returns an exception. Any such exception is reported by the data pump as a normal row error, and operation continues.


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