IDTSDataPump::AddTransformVariable (DTS)

The AddTransformVariable method allows the data pump consumer to pass its global variables through to the executing transformation server.


HRESULT AddTransformVariable(
BOOL bGlobal,
VARIANT Variable );

Argument Description
pwzName [in] Variable name
bGlobal [in] For Microsoft® ActiveX® scripts, indicates whether this variable’s methods must be qualified by the object name
Variable [in] Variable value, passed to and updatable by the transformation


This method results in a call to IDTSDataPumpTransform::AddVariable during IDTSDataPump::Execute initialization, before transformations are actually executed. The data pump itself does not operate on these variables, but simply passes them through. If bGlobal is TRUE for an ActiveX script, then this variable’s methods are considered global and can be called directly, without qualifying by object name.


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