Sample Extended Stored Procedures

The Open Data Services samples are installed by SQL Server Setup in subdirectories under MSSQL7\DevTools\Samples\ODS. All of the necessary C source, definition, project, sql, and make files for the samples are located in these subdirectories.

Extended stored

Source file

xp_hello Xp_hello.dll xp_hello Basic extended stored procedure that accepts one output parameter and prints one result set.
xp_srv_paraminfo_sample Xp_param.dll xp_param Analyzes parameters from an extended stored procedure call, and posts a result set to the client about each parameter and parameter value.
xp_gettable_odbc Xp_odbc.dll xp_odbc Uses ODBC to open a bound connection to the same SQL Server that called the extended stored procedure. The server returns a result set to the extended stored procedure, which passes the result set to the client.
xp_gettable_dblib Xp_dblib.dll xp_odbc Uses the DB-Library interface to open a bound connection to the same SQL Server that called the extended stored procedure. The server returns a result set to the extended stored procedure, which passes the result set to the client.

To create the extended stored procedure DLLs for these samples, go to the appropriate sample subdirectory and use the supplied make file with Microsoft Visual C++®.

See Also
Using Bound Connections Adding an Extended Stored Procedure to SQL Server
Creating Extended Stored Procedures Removing an Extended Stored Procedure from SQL Server
Debugging an Extended Stored Procedure  


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