Data Type Conversions Using OLE Automation Stored Procedures

Because Microsoft® SQL Server™ uses Transact-SQL data types, and OLE Automation uses Microsoft Visual Basic® data types, the OLE Automation stored procedures must convert the data that passes between them.

These are the conversions from SQL Server to Visual Basic data types.

SQL Server data type Visual Basic data type
char, varchar, text String
decimal, numeric String
bit Boolean
binary, varbinary, image One-dimensional Byte() array
int Long
smallint Integer
tinyint Byte
float Double
real Single
money, smallmoney Currency
datetime, smalldatetime Date
anything set to NULL Variant set to Null

All single SQL Server values are converted to a single Visual Basic value with the exception of binary, varbinary, and image values. These values are converted to a one-dimensional Byte() array in Visual Basic. This array has a range of Byte(0 To length–1) where length is the number of bytes in the SQL Server binary, varbinary, or image values.

These are the conversions from Visual Basic data types to SQL Server data types.

Visual Basic data type SQL Server data type
Long, Integer, Byte, Boolean, Object int
Double, Single float
Currency money
Date datetime
String with 255 characters or less varchar
String with more than 255 characters text
One-dimensional Byte() array with 255 bytes or less varbinary
One-dimensional Byte() array with more than 255 bytes image

See Also
How to create an OLE Automation object (Transact-SQL) OLE Automation Sample Script
How to debug a custom OLE Automation server (Transact-SQL) System Stored Procedures

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