Documenting and Scripting Databases

With Microsoft® SQL Server,™ you can document an existing database structure (schema) by generating one or more SQL scripts. An SQL script can be viewed in SQL Server Enterprise Manager or by using any text editor.

A schema generated as an SQL script can be used in many ways, including:

SQL scripts contain descriptions of the statements that were used to create a database and its objects. You can generate scripts from the objects in an existing database, and then add these objects to another database by running the scripts against that database. In effect, this re-creates the whole database structure and any individual database objects. The schema of the following objects can be generated and saved as a script:

  • Tables
  • User-defined data types
  • Indexes
  • Triggers
  • Views
  • Users, groups, and roles
  • Stored procedures
  • Logins
  • Defaults
  • Rules
  • Table keys/declarative referential integrity (DRI)
  • Object-level permissions
  • Full-text indexes

The schema for the objects generated can be saved in a single SQL Script file, or in several files with each file containing the schema of just one object. You can also save the schema generated for a single object (or a group of objects) into one or more SQL script files. Examples of SQL script files that you can generate include:

To generate a script


See Also



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