Creating Filegroups

Filegroups can be created when the database is first created or later when more files are added to the database. However, it is not possible to move files to a different filegroup once the files have been added to the database.

A file cannot be a member of more than one filegroup. Tables, indexes, and text, ntext, and image data can be associated with a specific filegroup. This means that all their pages will be allocated from the files in that filegroup.

There are three types of filegroups:

A maximum of 256 filegroups can be created per database, and filegroups can contain only data files; transaction log files cannot be part of a filegroup.

Note Filegroups cannot be created independently of database files. The filegroup is an administrative mechanism of grouping files within the database.

To add a filegroup when creating a database


To add a filegroup to a database


See Also
Physical Database Files and Filegroups sp_helpfilegroup
sp_helpfile Using Files and Filegroups to Manage Database Growth


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