Documentation Conventions

Three types of documentation are provided for Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0.

Type of documentation Description
SQL Server Books Online Provides the most comprehensive information about SQL Server 7.0. SQL Server Books Online offers full-text search functionality, as well as an online index, for greater ease of use. The online documentation also includes task-specific procedures that enable you to customize your SQL Server system.
On the Contents tab of SQL Server Books Online, topics are organized in a hierarchical structure by task or subject. All programming reference information, including Transact-SQL, is grouped by language or component under Building SQL Server Applications. Command prompt utility syntax is also found under Building SQL Server Applications.
SQL Server Printed Documentation Combines the most essential conceptual and programming material for easy reference. Each volume is designed to address specific enterprise tasks. For more information about ordering the complete documentation set, see the coupon provided in this volume.
SQL Server Online Help Includes context-sensitive Help, which provides task-specific descriptions of user interface elements. Online Help also offers procedural, programming reference, and conceptual material to further assist in creating and using applications.

SQL Server Books Online uses these conventions to distinguish elements of text.

Convention Used for
UPPERCASE Transact-SQL keywords.
Initial Capitals Paths and file names.
Bold Database names, table names, column names, index names, stored procedures, command prompt utilities, menus, commands, dialog box options, and text that must be typed exactly as shown.
Italic User-supplied variables and new terms introduced in text.
Monospace Code samples, examples, display text, and error messages.

On the Contents tab of SQL Server Books Online, topics are organized in a hierarchical structure by task or subject. All programming reference information, including Transact-SQL, is grouped by language or component under Building SQL Server Applications. Command prompt utility syntax is also found under Building SQL Server Applications.

Microsoft® SQL Server™ administrative tasks may be performed in one or more ways. For example, some tasks can be performed from SQL Server Enterprise Manager and from a Transact-SQL query window. All methods do not apply to all tasks.

The methods for administering SQL Server are represented by these buttons.

To get instructions about performing a task, click the button corresponding to the method you want to use.

See Also
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions SQL-DMO Syntax Conventions
DB-Library for C Syntax Conventions Replication Syntax Conventions
DTS Syntax Conventions  


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