Using Help

Microsoft® SQL Server™ offers different types of Help to assist you.

SQL Server Client Network Help

For context-sensitive Help, click the Help button or press F1.

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Help

For a list of Help topics, click a command on the Help menu. For context-sensitive Help, click the Help button or press F1 in any dialog box.

SQL Server Profiler Help

For a list of Help topics, click a command on the Help menu. For context-sensitive Help, click the Help button or press F1 in any dialog box.

SQL Server Query Analyzer Help

For a list of Help topics, click a command on the Help menu. For context-sensitive Help, click the Help button or press F1 in any dialog box.

Transact-SQL Help

When using SQL Server Query Analyzer, select a statement name, and then press SHIFT+F1.

OLAP Services Help

For access to the full online Help, click a command on the Help menu.

For context-sensitive Help, click the Help button or press F1 in any dialog box.


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