Using the osql Utility

The osql utility is a Microsoft® Win32® command prompt utility for ad hoc, interactive execution of Transact-SQL statements and scripts. To use osql, users must understand Transact-SQL.

The osql utility is typically used in these ways:

The osql utility uses the ODBC database application programming interface (API). It is a replacement for the isql command prompt utility that is based on the DB-Library API. Both utilities are provided with Microsoft SQL Server™ version 7.0. The DB-Library API remains at a SQL Server 6.5 level; therefore, applications that depend on DB-Library, such as isql, do not support some SQL Server version 7.0 features. For example, isql cannot access columns defined with the ntext data type and truncates any char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar columns that are longer than 255 bytes. Except for these limitations in isql, both osql and isql support the same functionality.

See Also
isql Utility osql Utility


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