Using Inner Joins

An inner join is a join in which the values in the columns being joined are compared using a comparison operator.

In the SQL-92 standard, inner joins can be specified in either the FROM or WHERE clause. This is the only type of join that SQL-92 supports in the WHERE clause. Inner joins specified in the WHERE clause are known as old-style inner joins.

This Transact-SQL query is an example of an inner join:

USE pubs


FROM authors AS a INNER JOIN publishers AS p

    ON =

ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC


This inner join is known as an equi-join. It returns all the columns in both tables, and returns only the rows for which there is an equal value in the join column.

Here is the result set:

au_id        au_lname  au_fname phone         address          city   

-----------  --------  -------- ------------  ---------------  --------

238-95-7766  Carson    Cheryl   415 548-7723  589 Darwin Ln.    Berkeley

409-56-7008  Bennet    Abraham  415 658-9932  6223 Bateman St.  Berkeley


state zip   contract pub_id pub_name              city     state country

----- ----- -------- ------ --------------------- -------- ----- -------

CA    94705 1        1389   Algodata Infosystems  Berkeley CA    USA           

CA    94705 1        1389   Algodata Infosystems  Berkeley CA    USA                           


(2 row(s) affected)


In the result set, the city column appears twice. Because there’s no point in repeating the same information, one of these two identical columns can be eliminated by changing the select list. The result is called a natural join. You can restate the preceding Transact-SQL query to form a natural join, for example:

USE pubs

SELECT p.pub_id, p.pub_name, p.state, a.*

FROM publishers p INNER JOIN authors a

    ON =

ORDER BY a.au_lname ASC, a.au_fname ASC


Here is the result set:

pub_id pub_name              state    au_id        au_lname  au_fname

------ ---------------       -------- -----------  --------  -------- 1389   Algodata Infosystems  CA       409-56-7008  Bennet    Abraham

1389   Algodata Infosystems  CA       238-95-7766  Carson    Cheryl


phone         address          city      state zip   contract

---------------  ------------- --------  ----- ----- ---------

415 658-9932  6223 Bateman St. Berkeley  CA    94705 1

415 548-7723  589 Darwin Ln.   Berkeley  CA    94705 1


(2 row(s) affected)


In this example, does not appear in the results.

Joins Using Operators Other Than Equal

You can also join values in two columns that are not equal. The same operators and predicates used for inner joins can be used for not equal joins. For more information about the available operators and predicates that can be used in joins, see Using Operators in Expressions and WHERE.

This Transact-SQL example is of a greater-than (>) join which finds New Moon authors who live in states that come alphabetically after Massachusetts, where New Moon Books is located.

USE pubs

SELECT p.pub_name, p.state, a.au_lname, a.au_fname, a.state

FROM publishers p INNER JOIN authors a
    ON a.state > p.state

WHERE p.pub_name = 'New Moon Books'

ORDER BY au_lname ASC, au_fname ASC


Here is the result set:

pub_name         state   au_lname             au_fname             state

---------------- ------- -------------------- -------------------- -----

New Moon Books   MA    Blotchet-Halls         Reginald             OR

New Moon Books   MA    del Castillo           Innes                MI

New Moon Books   MA    Greene                 Morningstar          TN

New Moon Books   MA    Panteley               Sylvia               MD

New Moon Books   MA    Ringer                 Albert               UT

New Moon Books   MA    Ringer                 Anne                 UT


(6 row(s) affected)


Joins Using the Not-equal Operator

The not-equal join (< >) is rarely used. As a general rule, not-equal joins make sense only when used with a self-join. For example, this not-equal Transact-SQL join and self-join are used to find the categories with two or more inexpensive (less than $15) books of different prices:

USE pubs

SELECT DISTINCT t1.type, t1.price

FROM titles t1 INNER JOIN titles t2

    ON t1.type = t2.type

    AND t1.price <> t2.price

WHERE t1.price < $15 AND t2.price < $15


Note The expression NOT column_name = column_name is equivalent to column_name < > column_name.

This Transact-SQL example uses a not-equal join combined with a self-join to find all rows in the titleauthor table in which two or more rows have the same title_id but different au_id numbers (that is, books with more than one author):

USE pubs

SELECT DISTINCT t1.au_id, t1.title_id

FROM titleauthor t1 INNER JOIN titleauthor t2

    ON t1.title_id = t2.title_id

WHERE t1.au_id <> t2.au_id

ORDER BY t1.au_id


Here is the result set:

au_id                title_id

-----------            --------

213-46-8915            BU1032

267-41-2394            BU1111

267-41-2394            TC7777

409-56-7008            BU1032

427-17-2319            PC8888

472-27-2349            TC7777

672-71-3249            TC7777

722-51-5454            MC3021

724-80-9391            BU1111

724-80-9391            PS1372

756-30-7391            PS1372

846-92-7186            PC8888

899-46-2035            MC3021

899-46-2035            PS2091

998-72-3567            PS2091


(15 row(s) affected)


See Also
Conversion Functions WHERE


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