OLE Automation Result Sets

If an OLE Automation property or method returns data in an array with one or two dimensions, the array is returned to the client as a result set:

When a property return value or method return value is an array, sp_OAGetProperty or sp_OAMethod returns a result set to the client. (Method output parameters cannot be arrays.) These procedures scan all the data values in the array to determine the appropriate Microsoft® SQL Server™ data types and data lengths to use for each column in the result set. For a particular column, these procedures use the data type and length required to represent all data values in that column.

When all data values in a column share the same data type, that data type is used for the whole column. When data values in a column use different data types, the data type of the whole column is chosen based on the following chart.

  int float money datetime varchar
int int float money varchar varchar
float float float money varchar varchar
money money money money varchar varchar
datetime varchar varchar varchar datetime varchar
varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar

For more information about how the OLE Automation stored procedures converts data between Microsoft® Visual Basic® and SQL Server data types, see Data Type Conversions Using OLE Automation Stored Procedures.


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