Using Pass-through Queries as Tables

There are two ways to generate a rowset from an OLE DB provider:

When a provider supports the Command object, these Transact-SQL functions can be used to send it commands (called pass-through queries):

The OLE DB specification does not define a single command language to be used by all OLE DB providers. OLE DB providers are allowed to support any command language that is related to the data they expose. OLE DB providers that expose the data in relational databases generally support the DBGUID-SQL command language, which is based on SQL-92 and ODBC SQL. Other types of providers, such as those exposing the data in an e-mail file or network directory, are likely to support a different language.

Microsoft® SQL Server™ sends pass-through queries as uninterpreted query strings to an OLE DB data source. The query must be in a syntax the OLE DB data source will accept. A Transact-SQL statement uses the results from a pass-through query as though it is a regular table reference. Pass-through queries are read-only. Pass-through queries cannot be used as the table being modified in an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statement.

This example uses a pass-through query to retrieve a result set from a Microsoft Access version of the Northwind sample database.


FROM OpenRowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'c:\northwind.mdb';'admin'; '',

    'SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName

         FROM Customers

         WHERE Region = ''WA'' ')


See Also


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