Searching for Multiple Forms of Words or Phrases (Prefix Term)

You can search a word or phrase in which the word or words begin with specified text. In the case of a phrase, each word within the phrase is considered a prefix term. For example, to search for all rows that contain a description of ice, ice cream, or ice-shaved drinks, the query looks like:

USE Northwind


SELECT Description, CategoryName

FROM Categories

WHERE CONTAINS (Description, ' "ice*" ' )



Note These query examples will not find any matches in the rows of the Categories table that is installed with Microsoft® SQL Server™.

All text that matches the text specified before the asterisk (*) is returned. This example searches for those rows with text of either “light breaded”, “lightly breaded”, or “light bread”.

USE Northwind


SELECT Description, CategoryName

FROM Categories

WHERE CONTAINS (Description, ' "light bread*" ' )




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