SQL-DMO Syntax Conventions

SQL-DMO typographical conventions are based on those used in Microsoft® Visual Basic® reference materials.

Convention Used for
UPPERCASE Transact-SQL statements, macro names, and terms used at the operating system level.
monospace Sample command lines and program code.
italic Information that the user or the application must provide.
bold SQL-DMO objects; object events, methods or properties; data types; and other syntax that must be typed exactly as shown.

Note Automation allows SQL-DMO to expose object properties, methods, events, and constants through intelligent and easy-to-use automation controllers, simplifying the development task.

When using an automation controller, such as Visual Basic, assistance built into the controller exposes SQL-DMO object properties, methods, and events as they are defined, and prompts for required or optional parameters as part of the development process. When using C or C++, every object property and method appears as an object member function and the distinction disappears.

The SQL-DMO documentation is directed at the user of an automation controller. Properties are documented as properties, not member functions. Prototypes for SQL-DMO object member functions are included in each topic for the C or C++ developer.


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