Handling SQL-DMO Events

The SQL-DMO Backup, BulkCopy, Replication, Restore, SQLServer, and Transfer objects are connectable COM objects, supporting callback to the client application.

For connectable objects, COM defines the responsibilities for servers and clients. A connectable object exposes the IConnectionPointContainer interface, through which the client obtains the IConnectionPoint interface. The client implements functions to handle callbacks from the server, called a sink. Using the IConnectionPoint interface, the client notifies the server of its ability to handle callbacks, providing its sink implementation as an argument.

The client-implemented sink is a COM object. As with any COM application development task, implementing a sink for any SQL-DMO connectable object is fairly painless when using C++. The client application defines a class, inheriting from a defined SQL-DMO sink interface definition, then implements members to handle the callbacks of interest. The example below illustrates class definition and partial inline implementation for a COM object that can be connected to a SQLServer object instance:

class CSQLServerSink : public ISQLDMOServerSink






        { ; }


    // IUnknown interface on all COM objects.

    STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObj);


    // AddRef has an inline implementation.


        {return (++m_uiRefCount);}


    STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS);



    // Sink properties and methods. Implement CommandSent,
   // ConnectionBroken, QueryTimeout and RemoteLoginFailed as no
   // operation.

       {return (NOERROR);}


    STDMETHOD(ConnectionBroken) (THIS_ SQLDMO_LPCSTR strMsg,
       LPBOOL pbRetry)

        {return (NOERROR);}


    STDMETHOD(QueryTimeout) (THIS_ SQLDMO_LPCSTR strMsg,
       LPBOOL pbContinue)
       {return (NOERROR);}


    STDMETHOD(RemoteLoginFailed) (THIS_ long lMsgSeverity,
       long lMsgNumber, long MsgState, SQLDMO_LPCSTR strMsg)
       {return (NOERROR);}


    // Code implementing sink method ServerMessage is shown elsewhere.

    STDMETHOD(ServerMessage) (THIS_ long lMsgSeverity, long lMsgNumber,

        long MsgState, SQLDMO_LPCSTR strMsg);



    // Keeping track of ourselves.

    UINT            m_uiRefCount;


    // Used to format status messages from handled ServerMessage event.

    TCHAR           m_acMessage[2048];


Implementing the QueryInterface and Release functions is done in standard fashion as:

   THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObj)


    if ((riid == IID_IUnknown) || (riid == IID_IWSQLDMOServerSink))



        *ppvObj = this;


        return (NOERROR);



    return (E_NOINTERFACE);







    if (m_uiRefCount == 0)

        delete this;


    return (m_uiRefCount);


Reference counting on COM objects implies a constructor such as the following:



    m_uiRefCount = 0;


And finally, the implementation of the function handling the ServerMessage callback. The example shows using a message box to display the status messages received by the application.



    THIS_ long lMsgSeverity,

    long lMsgNumber,

    long MsgState,




#ifdef UNICODE

    swprintf(m_acMessage, L"%s", szMsg);


    sprintf(m_acMessage, "%S", szMsg);



    MessageBox(NULL, m_acMessage, _T("SQLServer Status Message"),


    return (NOERROR);


With the class defined and its members implemented, an object instance of the class can be connected to a SQLServer object instance, as shown below:

BOOL CSQLServerHandler::InstallConnectionPoint(




    HRESULT             hr;

    CSQLServerSink*     pSQLServerSink;


    // Create an instance of the SQLServer sink.

    pSQLServerSink = new CSQLServerSink;


    if (pSQLServerSink != NULL)


        hr = pSQLServer->QueryInterface(

            IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**) &piCPContainer);


        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))


            // m_pCP is a CSQLServerHandler member variable (a pointer

            // to an IConnectionPoint). The connection point will be
           // used both to advise the SQLServer object of event
           // handling and to terminate event handling later. For that
           // reason, the variable is not local in scope to this
           // function.

            hr = piCPContainer->FindConnectionPoint(
               IID_ISQLDMOServerSink, &m_pCP);


            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

                m_pCP->Advise(pSQLServerSink, &m_dwCookie);






    // If anything fails, delete the instance of CSQLServerSink that

    // was created. Otherwise, the self-destruct mechanism in
   // CSQLServerSink::Release will handle object destruction.

    if (FAILED(hr))




        delete pSQLServerSink;



    return (SUCCEEDED(hr));


When an application connects to a connectable object, it becomes responsible for breaking that connection when it is no longer required. An example is shown below:

void CSQLServerHandler::ReleaseConnectionPoint()


    if (m_dwCookie != _BAD_COOKIE)



    if (m_pCP != NULL)



        m_pCP = NULL;



Note The details of COM connectable object implementation are beyond the scope of this documentation. For more information about COM connectable objects, IConnectionPointContainer, and IConnectionPoint, see a reliable COM/OLE reference.


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