FullTextCatalog Object (SQL-DMO)

The FullTextCatalog object exposes the properties of a single Microsoft Search persistent data store.


Microsoft Search enables full-text queries on data maintained by Microsoft® SQL Server™. The service both builds the indexes providing full-text query capability and participates in query resolution by providing result data during a full-text query. Index data is maintained within a full-text catalog. A FullTextCatalog exposes the properties of a Microsoft Search full-text catalog.

With the FullTextCatalog object, you can:

The Name property of a FullTextCatalog object uses the SQL Server data type sysname. The value of the Name property must be unique within a SQL Server database.

By default, a user must have database owner permissions to create, remove, or modify Microsoft Search full-text catalogs.

GenerateSQL Method (FullTextCatalog) Script Method
Rebuild Method Start Method (FullTextCatalog)
Remove Method (Objects) Stop Method

ErrorLogSize Property PopulateCompletionAge Property
FullTextCatalogID Property PopulateCompletionDate Property
FullTextIndexSize Property PopulateStatus Property
HasFullTextIndexedTables Property RootPath Property
ItemCount Property UniqueKeyCount Property
Name Property  


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