JobServer Object (SQL-DMO)

The JobServer object exposes attributes associated with SQL Server Agent. SQL Server Agent is responsible for executing scheduled jobs and notifying operators of Microsoft® SQL Server™ error conditions or other SQL Server execution or job states.


With the JobServer object, you can:

BeginAlter Method ReAssignJobsByLogin Method
CancelAlter Method Refresh Method
DoAlter Method RemoveJobByID Method
EnumJobHistory Method RemoveJobsByLogin Method
EnumJobs Method RemoveJobsByServer Method
EnumSubSystems Method Start Method (FullTextService, JobServer)
GetJobByID Method StartMonitor Method
MSXDefect Method Stop Method
MSXEnlist Method StopMonitor Method
PurgeJobHistory Method  

AutoStart Property Status Property (Services)
MSXServerName Property Type Property (JobServer)
StartupAccount Property  


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