ServerGroup Object (SQL-DMO)

The ServerGroup object exposes the attributes of a Microsoft® Windows NT® or Microsoft Windows® 95 user registry key that organizes registered Microsoft SQL Server™ installations.


SQL-DMO applications can maintain lists of some or all of the SQL Server installations in an organization in the registry of a Windows NT or Windows 95 system. The user can establish categories for the listed SQL Server installations.

For example, to group and view SQL Server installations by division in a SQL-DMO application, SQL-DMO represents each division as a ServerGroup object. The ServerGroup name of the division is maintained by SQL-DMO as a Windows NT or Windows 95 registry key. Within this registry entry, separate keys list each SQL Server installation in the division.

A ServerGroup object has a ServerGroups collection, allowing multiple levels of categories for an organization.

With the ServerGroup object you can:

The value of the Name property of a ServerGroup object must be a valid Windows NT or Windows 95 registry-key character string. It must be unique for a Windows NT or Windows 95 user.


Remove Method (Objects)


Name Property


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