ServerRole Object (SQL-DMO)

The ServerRole object exposes the attributes of a single Microsoft® SQL Server™ security role not constrained to operation within a single database.


SQL Server security roles establish rights to SQL Server resources for more than a single user and can be established within the constraint of a single database. Security roles can also grant permissions to an authenticated user for a SQL Server installation. For example, the server role securityadmin has permissions that allow members to add, change, and remove SQL Server logins.

With the ServerRole object, you can:

SQL Server establishes server roles. New server roles cannot be defined by the user. For more information about a list of valid ServerRole Name strings, see sp_addsrvrolemember.

AddMember Method EnumServerRoleMember Method
DropMember Method EnumServerRolePermission Method

Description Property Name Property
FullName Property  


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